Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4267: Silver gilt flower

Xiao Yu himself was not an impatient person, and Gongsun Jin said that, he also became less anxious.

Pill Peak is in charge of Gongsun Jin, no doubt, there must be a lot of elixir planted here, but it is not here, nor encountered on the road, needless to say, it must be surrounded by certain enchantments. Because those are the treasures of Pill Peak!

And here, although it looks relatively ordinary, it is surrounded by grass, full of greenery, and the mountains in the distance have flowing spring waterfalls, which is very pleasant.

But Xiao Yu knew that Gongsun Jin definitely didn't bring herself here to enjoy the scenery.

He looked into the small garden ahead.

The grass and flowers planted in the garden are all ordinary plants, nothing special.

Suddenly, Xiao Yu's eyes condensed, and he seemed to have discovered something wrong.

In the middle of the garden, it seems that a small area has been vacated, but the strange thing is that there is nothing planted there!


Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu's heart moved, and he began to integrate his consciousness into this space, feeling the flow of the surrounding air and the suspension of heaven and earth spiritual power.

Yes, he is sensing everything around him with the power of extremely rare spatial laws.

Xiao Yu's power of space law is generally not induced in this way. He usually uses the power of space law when he uses space secret techniques such as the small movement technique, and the recent Jinshi flashing technique.

And this time, he used the power of the law of space to sense some strange things around him.

Sure enough, he finally found out what was different!

"There is an elixir there!" Xiao Yu was suddenly startled.

The power of the law of his space turned into a traversing and transparent silver thread, and then cautiously moved forward.

And when touched, a silver streamer flickered suddenly, and a translucent flower that was half a meter tall appeared immediately!

"How is it possible!? There is actually a silver gilt flower here!" Xiao Yu was suddenly taken aback.

This flower with a little silver brilliance, translucent, is a gilt flower!

The so-called silver gilt flower is a flower that grows in the turbulence of space.

What is spatial turbulence?

That's a place where no one dared to set foot and talk about the tiger's discoloration, because such a place is in a space crack.

Therefore, for long-distance transmission, the first step is to establish a space channel, the purpose is to avoid the turbulence of space.

The space turbulence is extremely lethal, and once it is swept, it will be destroyed.

And if you fall into the "space chaos", you will be killed by countless spatial turbulences.

Such a silver gilt flower is an exception. It is a flower that grows in the turbulent flow of endless space and can be "good for itself"!

Undoubtedly, such flowers must contain the power of the law of space.

And the effect of this silver gilt flower is also very big. It can be used for alchemy, used as medicine, and the refined spirit pill, after hearing and swallowing, can greatly increase the cultivation level.

Of course, so far, in Mo Suhe's memory, there are records of alchemy and medicinal use of silver gilt flowers, but there are very few, because such flowers are very unstable.

The so-called instability is the turbulence of space inside the silver gilt flower!

A carelessness will be released and cause harm to yourself.

Therefore, although the silver gilt flower is advanced, few people dare to touch it, and it is also very rare.

"What does Elder Gongsun mean?" Xiao Yu seemed to know what Gongsun Jin wanted to do.

"I have an idea, I don't know if you dare to try."


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