Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4275: Blue Blue Girl

Everyone knows that Kuang Ping is on the side of local students, after all, Kuang Ping is from Cangling City.

And Black Tiger Hall’s Hall Master Bai Zhong, Black Tiger Hall Squad Leader Wu Qi, and Pang Kaiyu, who competed with Xiao Yu for a place on the Lanlou mainland mission last time, and this time the fuse set Jingming, these people are Cangling City. People.

Naturally, it is understandable that one's own people help one's own people.

It's just that Kuang Ping did too much, and Gao An couldn't see it.

Although he is only an intermediate lecturer, he is not necessarily much weaker than Kuang Ping.

The lecturers from the outer continent watched this scene silently, with strange expressions in their eyes.

The competition between the students from the outer continent and the native Cangling City also happened to their lecturers. Both sides took their own sides, and no one really blessed anyone.

Instead, Bu Yun opened his mouth to resolve this silence, saying: "Everyone is from Cangling Academy. It is a good thing for anyone who rises to rise, but we can't do things too much. This time, let us look at Xiao Yu's good fortune. ."

Bu Yun is obviously a good old man, and neither side should be guilty.

Perhaps it was because Xiao Yu's attention was too high, so that in the distance, someone swept up another mountain, and they were some disciples of the main peak.

"Hey, it's Xiao Yu again. It hasn't been long since he came to the upper court. I really feel uneasy!" Ding Qi said with a grin.

This group of people were indeed the disciples of Cangling City, and the black-clothed youth headed by them was Dai Tianchen.

Dai Tianchen seemed to be deeper than the aura that came back from the assessment.

And beside Dai Tianchen, there was a girl in Tsing Yi.

The girl has a beautiful appearance, amazing temperament, and a pure color on her face.

Dai Tianchen looked at this girl intentionally or unintentionally, and the eyes were full of spoiling.

"Last time I didn't go to the appraisal with my brother, this time I can finally see this guy." The girl said expectantly.

Although they are on the top of this mountain, they are originally the main peak disciples. Why is Xiu strong? This vision is not difficult for them.

Obviously, the expectation in the girl's eyes made Ding Qi and the others weird, and then looked at Dai Tianchen.

In fact, they all know that since the girl first saw Xiao Yu shine in Tutsi's assessment in the lower house, the girl became interested in Xiao Yu.

But what they know better is that their senior brother Dai is very doting on the girl, and this does not allow others to occupy her.

Therefore, they wanted to see Dai Tianchen's reaction to the girl's speech.

But obviously, Dai Tianchen did not fluctuate much.

In fact, they knew in their hearts that no matter how powerful Xiao Yu's talent was, could it be compared with Dai Tianchen?

How about the first place among the five great temples?

Now Dai Tianchen's strength is beyond Xiao Yu's reach.

Besides, they also knew that most of the girls' interest in Xiao Yu was just a kind of talent, and it was simply not related to some love.

Therefore, Dai Tianchen does not need to eat these jealousies at all.

Ding Qi joked: "Junior Sister, if Xiao Yu knew that the famous genius of Cangling City was his little girl, maybe he would be faster!"

"Hahaha!" The others laughed suddenly.

"No," the girl gave Ding Qi a white look and said, "I just heard that he came from the lower court, and he can be recognized by Peak Master Chu. There must be something special about him. And I am not a genius. Xiaoqi is much better than me."

Ding Qi was speechless, and said: "That girl is just a strange force. Junior sister and you are different. In our academy, there are not many people who can compare to you."


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