Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4278: Excited (Part 1)

Xiao Yu nodded slightly. No wonder it felt like the power of space. It turned out to be the so-called gravity formation.

Because in the library, Xiao Yu had also read some introductions to formations, so he had also heard of it.

This so-called gravity array method is to press weight on a person in the form of an array method. The greater the gravity, the slower the walking, and the strong gravity can even stop people on the ground.

However, both of them entered the formation at the same time, and it was obviously impossible to do anything.

This is the time to truly test spirituality.

"Do you have any objections?" Bai Zhong asked again.

Both Xiao Yu and Wu Qi shook their heads.

"Well, in that case, the competition will begin!"

On the entire mountain peak, there are countless rays of light shrouded, and people who are not close will not feel the heavy gravity inside.

However, even though Bai Zhong said that he could start, Xiao Yu and Wu Qi obviously didn't intend to leave immediately.

"Xiao Yu, your lie will be broken on this mountain," Wu Qi said lightly.

He didn't worry that Xiao Yu would set off ahead of him, because he knew that the final winner would be Wu Qi.

Xiao Yu smiled, "Aren't you afraid that the wind will flash your tongue?"

"Hehe, since I entered the upper court, I haven't flashed my tongue."

"Really? Then you might have to start a bit." Xiao Yu said in a counterattack.


As soon as they went to the Western Medicine Department, Xiao Yu and Wu Qi's aura suddenly rose, almost at the same time, the moment the aura of the two erupted, and then they rushed towards the mountain.

A golden shadow, a figure that looked like a cloud, and soon, the two of them disappeared on the spot in an instant.

The test has begun!

The venue instantly became lively.

After all, they have waited for three days, and there are people who have created such a great momentum invisibly. They can't expect it or not!

The two simultaneous activation of speed, and the simultaneous activation of spiritual skills at the same time, is really a bit moving.

After all, no matter how you say it, the reputation of the two is actually very big.

"So fast!"

In the coming year, an afterimage will be left on the spot in an instant, which is really a bit of a surprise for people who have seen Xiao Yu's speed for the first time.

"Huh? This body technique..." Among the distant mountains, Elder Zhang's eyes instantly narrowed.

"Do you feel it?" Elder Zhang asked.

Chu Dongmen, Tutsi, and Hong Sheng all nodded.

Yes, with their cultivation base, even if it is thousands of meters away, they can feel clearly, that is the power of the law of space!

"This guy has hidden so deeply, contains the power of space law, this is definitely not a common product!" Elder Zhang was amazed.

He is the elder who guards the first door of the academy. He controls the power of the law of space. It can be said that in the entire academy, only one person can beat him. Yes, he is the dean of the Cangling Academy.

Otherwise, how can Elder Zhang be able to transmit the array in paper space for so many years? That is his understanding of the power of space law!

Don't talk about him, even Chu Dongmen's heart had some waves.

"East Gate, you are hiding too deep." Tutsi shook his head slightly, looking a little bit loving.

Yes, they all know that Tutsi really wants to train Xiao Yu, but now it seems that Chu Dongmen is the real lover of talent!

Chu Dongmen said helplessly: "This has nothing to do with me, I don't know where he learned it, and you can feel it, this spirituality seems to contain metallic power."


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