Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4289: Don't make him so easy

As strong people with similar strengths, they can sense any disturbances in the people around them.

Based on their understanding of Hong Sheng, Hong Sheng was originally a fair and public person. If Xiao Yu succeeded in challenging their Xingtang twice, wouldn't the majesty of their Xingtang be hit harder?

Although they all knew that Hong Sheng set up this test to give Xiao Yu a certain amount of experience.

But now at this point, Xiao Yu was far beyond Hong Sheng's expectations.

In addition, the competition is not over yet, and Xiao Yu is still at least a quarter of the distance from the top of the mountain. If this is the case, Hong Sheng must do something to make the competition more interesting.

After Hong Sheng passed the message, he calmly said: "Dongmen, don't you mind?"

Both Tuxi and Chengchuan looked at Chu Dongmen. Would they mind if you ask them this way?

However, Chu Dongmen also laughed and said, "It is of course I cannot ask if Hall Master Hong personally ordered to help me train that kid."

"I don't know if it's my illusion, I feel that the guy hasn't done his best yet." Cheng Chuan groaned and said.

"Let's go ahead, I really want to see how deeply this guy understands the power of the laws of space." Tutsi said.


It can be said that Bai Zhong's face at this time is also a bit ugly.

After all, Wu Qi is a member of his Black Tiger Hall. He is still half of his disciple. Now that he is so much ahead of him, their Black Tiger Hall and Xingtang will be ridiculed again. My heart became cold.

Because he can already predict that a quarter of the mountain road is impossible for Wu Qi to catch up under the current situation.

And just as Bai Zhong was thinking of a way, suddenly, Hong Sheng's voice came over.

"Don't make him so easy."

Bai Zhong's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Now it is the chief hall of Xingtang who has spoken, and that is justified giving him the right to help Wu Qi.

"Boy, it looks like your luck is over."

In any case, the prestige of Black Tiger Hall this time cannot be defeated.

Bai Zhong's thoughts moved, and in a moment, his thoughts were located on the gravity formation covering Wu Qi.

Wu Qi was furious at first, but he was angry that he had misassessed the opponent's strength and hated his carelessness even more.

In this situation, what can I do?

At this time, his original strength was vaguely about to break through that barrier.

Yes, he seems to want to use his original power.

Because he probably also knew that it was impossible for him to beat Xiao Yu in his own situation, unless he had a stronger realm power.

But at this moment, Wu Qi unexpectedly discovered that the powerful gravity on his body seemed to disappear.


Wu Qi was very surprised. He immediately sensed that the pressure on his body disappeared, and then he felt a lightness.

"Could it be..."

He thought of something in an instant. His eyes looked at the golden shadow that had been gaping away from him. He sneered and said, "Xiao Yu, your luck is over. I will trample you on your feet. Down!"

Wu Qi doesn't care about fairness at all. He only wants to do one thing now, which is to embarrass Xiao Yu!

"call out!"



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