Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4297: Famous

The competition between Xiao Yu and Wu Qi ended amidst the noise.

In addition, in the next few days, almost all discussions about Xiao Yu could be heard.

The group of people who followed Xiao Yu's practice of Jinshi flashing technique appreciated Xiao Yu even more.

Even, even the students such as A are secretly inquiring about this body and spirit.

Just because of face, they didn't come to class.

But it doesn't matter, because the Jinshi flash art wants to truly understand and exert real strength, it needs the power of the law of space.

Of course, since Xiao Yu taught it out, then he was not afraid of being understood.

The so-called master led the door, cultivation depends on the individual, the truly profound things are in Xiao Yu's mind, after all, he has absorbed the Gu Eagle's beast!

In a few days, Xiao Yu continued to teach, and he had taught him what should be taught. This small class was also gone. Everyone gained powerful physical and spiritual skills at the same time, although they paid the fire crystal. Stone, but also worth it.

And Xiao Yu, after suppressing the arrogance of the people in Cangling City, they never bothered them anymore, and even seemed to hide themselves.

Xiao Yu certainly knew that the Cangling City gang would definitely be unconvinced. They must have been working harder to get back the prize this time at the flag-grab meeting.

But it doesn't matter. Xie Junyi and the others are also preparing for the flag-grabbing ceremony as they work harder.

And the greater the competition in the flag-grabbing tournament, the more attractive Xiao Yu would naturally be, and in this way, he would work harder.

After the lecture, Xiao Yu also felt a little more relaxed. On this day, he returned to the peak of the pill.

After reaching the peak of the medicine pill, the eyes of those alchemy boys looking at Xiao Yu were naturally full of reverence.

After all, the competition between Xiao Yu and Wu Qi was already known to the entire academy. Although they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it had already been preached as supernatural.

In addition, they also knew that Xiao Yu was not just a cultivator, he also knew many alchemy methods!

Fan Mo and Li Qiang met Xiao Yu again, but this time they were not cynic.

The last time they laughed at Xiao Yu was simply humiliating themselves, but what happened?

Could they still use some side-line words as an excuse for Xiao Yu's victory?

Obviously not.

At that time, people from Black Tiger Hall personally supervised it!

Xiao Yu just glanced at them lightly, he didn't even pay attention to them, but went straight to Gongsun Jin.

Fan Mo and the others were very uncomfortable seeing Xiao Yu's calm and ironic look.

"Huh! What's so great about this kid! This time even Heihutang and those guys are offended, and his way will be even more difficult in the future!"

"That's right, I heard the senior brothers say that in the last time, the hall master of Heihutang did some tricks, so Wu Qi's speed will finally increase. Obviously, they want to help Xingtang earn back. Face-saving! This kid is so ignorant, he doesn't know how to give it to the stairs, and he will definitely be unable to do so in the future."

Fan Mo looked at the cold and arrogant back and sneered: "It's just a proud guy. There is nothing worth paying attention to. If he can really win the first place in the flag grab meeting, I really admire him."


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