Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4306: Little test

During these three days, Xiao Yu was on the peak of the pill, using the energy of the spiritual liquid given by Gongsun Jin to cultivate the seven-color blue lotus.

Because the seven-color blue lotus is not old enough, and there is a special space turbulence inside, it is always there.

And now, Gongsun Jin would use the seven-color blue lotus to refine the spirit pill, and Xiao Yu could just use the three days to force himself.

While helping Gongsun Jin, you can also comprehend the power of that little space law, why not do it.

In just three days, it was indeed difficult to grow the seven-color blue lotus to the extent Gongsun Jin said.

Of course Xiao Yu knew Gongsun Jin's intentions.

All Gongsun Jin's commands will not be made out of nothing, and must be the best of both worlds.

The so-called best of both worlds can help oneself in order to carry out Xiao Yu's pill refining boy's promise, while also allowing Xiao Yu to learn more about the power of the laws of space.

After all, you need to know that Xiao Yu's original intention to come to the Pill Peak was for the soul of the Xuanling Beast.

Therefore, Xiao Yu was of course willing, it was Gongsun Jin's good intentions, how could Xiao Yu fail.

But having said that, Xiao Yu couldn't borrow the second world space, so this was a certain degree of difficulty.

On the ground, there were at least dozens of jade bottles, all of which were filled with spiritual liquid, which were used by the seven-color blue lotus.

It can be said that the tight time of three days also put some pressure on Xiao Yu.

But for the five-stripe Earth Spirit Pill, Xiao Yu could only fight it.

On the first day, before the translucent seven-color lotus plucking, Xiao Yu was controlling the bottle's spirit to enter the seven-color blue lotus.

Countless air currents, as well as the breath of a strong elixir filled out.

a place far away.

Gongsun Jin stood on some kind of mountain, and Chu Dongmen also came.

"Elder Gongsun, what is your intention?" Chu Dongmen asked.

Gongsun Jin said: "The mature state of the seven-color blue lotus is the translucent blue lotus that turns into a colorful blue lotus. Now the seven-color blue lotus just enters the state of'half-color'. The energy of the spiritual liquid I left to Xiao Yu is enough. , But one thing is that it is very difficult to complete in three days."

Chu Dongmen nodded and said, "Can Xiao Yu finish it?"

Gongsun Jin’s eyes flickered slightly, and said: “It’s hard to say, the reason I set this threshold is to force him to have more soul potential. As long as his mind is strong enough, he can control more souls at once. When the liquid enters the seven-color blue lotus, it can speed up."

"However, is this dangerous?" Chu Dongmen pondered for a moment and asked.

The so-called monthly profit is a loss, and the potential needs to be forced out, but if you use too much force, then it will be counterproductive. This is true for any reason in the world.

The same goes for soul consciousness.

Once the control of consciousness exceeds its own capacity, consciousness will be damaged, and in the soul cultivator, it is backlash.

"Don't worry, with me here, I won't let him have an accident. This can be regarded as a small test for him." Gongsun Jin said calmly.

Although he didn't have the strength of cultivation base, his soul realm was strong enough to stop Xiao Yu, Gongsun Jin could still do it.

Chu Dongmen nodded his head and said nothing. He felt much more relieved with Gong Sun Jin's words.

And he also hoped that Xiao Yu's soul consciousness could be further improved.

The first day soon passed.

Of the 76 jade bottles that Gongsun Jin gave, 15 of them were consumed on the first day.

On the second day, Xiao Yu apparently accelerated the process, and the next day he wiped out 23 jade bottles again.

Until the third day.

"No, it must be too late if this speed continues."


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