Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4324: Baoluqiu

The moment the golden light blasted over, there was a kind of extremely domineering monster aura invisibly, and this monster aura made the unicorn wolf lion's face shake.

It immediately turned the offensive and ran into this terrifying oppression.


Accompanied by a terrifying vibration, a wave of air surged toward the surroundings, and then the two shadows retreated violently.

Luqiu was shocked by the sudden encounter. He suddenly raised his head, only to find that a long-haired back figure appeared not far in front of him.

This person is not very tall, but he looks very tall and straight. He has an excellent posture, his clothes are floating, and his body is gleaming with a faint golden light.

This person is not someone, but Xiao Yu who suddenly shot.

At the last moment, Xiao Yu still chose to shoot.

"Human!!" Seeing Xiao Yu, the unicorn wolf lion's eyes were splitting, and there was a gesture of fear.

Just now it clearly felt the power aura from Xiao Yu's body that made its blood feel oppressive.

And the kind of power used by the opponent just now is obviously the power of monsters!

Under normal circumstances, only humans who practice the body-refining techniques of monsters can possess the power of monsters, but this situation is relatively rare.

Therefore, the highly intelligent unihorn wolf lion also knows that this human being is not simple.

But it is not easy to return to, this human being has always destroyed him!

"Killing an unarmed person is a bit shameless." Xiao Yu said calmly.

Luqiu was also very surprised. He was begging to die because he was powerless, but he didn't expect anyone to make a sudden move.

Suddenly, his face changed, and the yellow ginseng in his hand became tighter. Could this person also come to **** the yellow ginseng?

But immediately afterwards, his face was a little surprised. This person was just as strong as himself. The punch just now completely forced the unicorn wolf lion back?

How is this possible?

Luqiu certainly didn't know that Xiao Yu was forced to retreat because a part of the bloodline power was suppressing it.

Of course, with Xiao Yu's abnormal flesh body, he can deal with ordinary high-level monster beasts at this time, he can already deal with it with his complete physical strength, without using the blood of the dragon to suppress it.

The cloud-winged wolf is the best embodiment.

A high-ranking monster beast with the bloodline of the local ranks was beaten to death by Xiao Yu after counting his punches.

Of course, Xiao Yu did not have the cultivation base of the Void Spirit Realm at the time, and although the unicorn wolf lion was not the strongest of the upper monsters, it was an adult after all, and naturally it was stronger than the young cloud-winged wolf.

In such a conversion, Xiao Yu at this stage and the one-horned wolf lion at this stage of course are not comparable to the situation at the time, but the nature is the same.

Because the strength of both is higher than before.

"Humans, don't worry about it!!" the unicorn wolf lion roared coldly.

"I'm not targeting you, but if you leave this trip, I can assure you that you will get a higher return than Huang Shenshu." Xiao Yu said.

He didn't mean anything to the spirit beast, and he also knew that this unicorn wolf lion was also murderous because of the competition with Luqiu.

After all, if there is no killer, Luqiu will not let go, and Luqiu will not get the yellow ginseng.

Luqiu is not wrong, nor is the unicorn wolf lion.

But Luqiu was slightly startled, is this person here to help himself?

"Hahaha! Do you know what you are talking about? Since you want to protect him, then I will kill you too!"

The one-horned wolf lion obviously knew that Xiao Yu was a good stubble, so its one-horn began to vibrate violently, and then a laser beam of this size surrounded by one person was excited, and it suddenly lased in the past, and the speed was almost like lightning. He was in front of Xiao Yu in an instant.

This one-horned wolf lion has a killer strike as soon as it comes!

Luqiu's pupils shrank and shouted, "Hurry up!"


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