Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4328: Collateral family

According to Xiao Yu’s first impression of Luqiu at first glance, this person’s clothes were not very luxurious, and he had to fight for his life to obtain Huangshenshu, just for the sick mother. Such people should not live in high-rise buildings. It is.

In addition, in Qingmu Town, Xiao Yu noticed that this mansion was a collateral family of the Mu family.

Before coming, Xiao Yu knew from Chu Dongmen that the Mu family in the Coffin Continent was the first family, and the branches of the collateral family were in various places in the mainland.

It's not that Xiao Yu judges people by appearance, but Luqiu's impression that every move is not like a person born from a relatively large family.

The most important point is that Luqiu is not a wooden surname.

However, what makes people feel strange is that Luqiu and Xiao Yu said that this is his home.

With doubts, Xiao Yu didn't think much.

When the group was about to enter, the two guards at the door immediately stopped them with their spears.

"Who are you!?"

They were very wary of Xiao Yu and Luo Feng, and their eyes were very bad.

"They are my friends." Luqiu said with a cold face.

Who knows, the guard on the left side said indifferently: "The Mu family has regulations. Outsiders are not allowed to enter without the orders of the master, son and lady."

Xiao Yu frowned slightly. Since Lu Qiu said it was his home, how could it be that these guards were so indifferent and rude to him?

Luqiu said solemnly: "I said, this is my friend, put down the weapon, otherwise I will serve your family law!"

With that said, the expressions of the two guards suddenly changed, but the guard on the left was calm and calm and said: "Only the Mu family is qualified to order the family law."

"You said that, as the son-in-law of the Mu family, I don't have the qualifications?"

After all, Luqiu's eyes contained a kind of murderous intent.

Xiao Yu and Luo Feng looked at each other in surprise, and it turned out that Luqiu was the Mu family's son-in-law.

But as the son-in-law of the Mu family, his status should be quite high. How did you feel so aggrieved? Even the guards speak coldly?

The murderous intent from Luqiu's body changed the expressions of the two guards.

"You're just an outsider, you didn't..."


Luqiu was furious, and the aura on his body suddenly exploded. The two guards were immediately stunned for two steps, and then fell to the ground, and immediately looked at Luqiu with some horror.

Luqiu said coldly, "No matter how I am not, I am also your master! Dog slave!"

The two guards were a little flushed and wanted to resist, but they knew that they didn't have this strength.

The movement here seems to have quickly attracted the attention of the people inside, and soon several people ran out.

"What the **** happened!!?"

Only a sharp voice screamed. It was a woman, and she didn't sound so gentle, with a kind of bitterness.

After a while, I saw an ugly-looking woman leading out with several people.

This woman has a shoehorn face with a big hemorrhoid, small eyes, thin lips, short stature, dark skin, and looks like a shrew.

But it was such a woman who made the two guards like rescuers.

When Xiao Yu and Luo Feng saw this woman, especially the latter, they were almost taken aback. After all, it was night, and the woman looked even more ugly in the dark.

Even Xiao Yu was whispering in his heart, there is such an ugly person in the world!

"Miss, this guy brought in two unknown people and hurt us!" The guard complained to the woman.

Luqiu's face became cold when he heard the words.

"they are my friends."


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