Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4333: Nosy

In fact, this is easy to understand. If it is not a last resort, as a seven-foot man, and when he is a young man, how can he be sent to someone else's home?

"Let me say that it is not a big deal to join the family. After all, the Mu family in Qingmu Town is also a side family of the Mu family, and they are also very powerful. I don't know how many people want to join the Mu family! The key is Luqiu's wife. It's not justified to get flowers and grass everywhere, and steal men everywhere! This is not a woman's way!"

Although Luo Feng said that he was heartbroken and felt sorry for Luqiu, he actually smiled secretly.

After all, a man standing upright, or a normal person, is impossible to allow such things to happen.

My wife stole the fishery outside again and again, and the grass on my head didn't know how long it was.

Here in the Mu family is another outsider, who is ridiculed, has no dignity, no status, and even a subordinate despise himself.

Needless to say, Xiao Yu knew that Luqiu must be a joke of the whole city.

"He is for his mother," Xiao Yu said.

Luo Feng nodded, withdrew his smile, and said: "This guy is also a poor person. I heard from the Mu family that Lu Qiu was treating his mother for the purpose of curing his mother, so Mu Wanxin fell in love with him. The family promised to help Luqiu treat his mother's illness, but the premise is to enter the Zhumu family."

Xiao Yu frowned, and he asked, "Don't you think there is anything strange?"

Luo Feng was taken aback, thought for a moment, and said, "No, they both get what they need. Mu Wanqing is so ugly, no one in the city wants to be a Taoist couple with her, and no one wants to marry. She. Luqiu wants to cure his mother's illness, and he needs elixir. The Coffin Continent produces elixir. The Mu family is the first family, and naturally they have almost all the heaven and earth elixir."

Xiao Yu nodded slightly, but it seemed strange again.

At first glance, it seems that this is indeed the case.

Both of them take what they need.

Luqiu lost his dignity and entered Zhu Mu's house without the right to speak. Everything was done to heal his mother.

But Mu Wanxin looks ugly, so she looks for a partner.

To put it ugly, the two are just a deal.

No wonder Lu Qiu saw Mu Wanxin, there was no gentleness in his eyes, there was only one helpless, and a kind of patience.

And Mu Wanxin, of course, did not treat Luqiu as a normal Taoist companion, and even regarded it as a relative, and even a kind of inferior.

But this was only established before Xiao Yu had not eavesdropped on their conversation!

"I don't think it's that simple." Xiao Yu said.

This reminded him of the conversation between Mu Wanqin and her brother just now.

Luo Feng looked at Xiao Yu in surprise. The latter's eyes flickered slightly, and said, "I feel that they seem to be hiding something from Luqiu. I'm afraid this marriage is not that simple."

In the conversation between Mu Wanxin and her brother, they must have done something bad for Luqiu, and they were afraid of being discovered. Doesn't this mean that Luqiu is not just being used?

Luo Feng shrugged and said: "Follow them! This is their Mu family's business. We just don't care about so much. When the time comes, our actions will be more difficult."

Xiao Yu recovered his composure and nodded slightly in agreement.

In fact, Luo Feng is right. This is a family affair. Although they sympathize with Luqiu, there are so many poor people in the world. How many people can they help?

What's more, they are not here to visit the mountains and water!

Moreover, Xiao Yu and Luqiu were at best only one-sided acquaintances, and they were equivalent to trading with each other.

Xiao Yu said, "I will listen to you this time. We will leave this matter alone. The Mu family will probably send someone to pay attention to us. We can't make them suspect in these two days. After we have heard the news, we will leave Qingmu Town."


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