Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4335: Ten years old one day

"Although Luqiu is the son-in-law of the Mu family, he has no status in the Mu family. No matter how he and Mu Wanxin get what they need, they are ultimately the son-in-law of the Mu family. The Mu family is the first family in the Coffin Continent. There are many powerful alchemists in the clan, and the Mu family’s clan must know about burning fire. Think about it, if Lu Qiu told us this, what would this be?"

Luo Feng blurted out: "Betrayal."

Xiao Yu nodded, and said, "Let’s not say that Luqiu has a handle and was caught by the Mu family. Another point is that we are not very clear about Luqiu’s behavior. Let me say something like a villain. Tell the Mu Family, we will end early in the Coffin Continent."

Although Luo Feng is young, he is still thorough, and said: "Brother Yu, I know, I will continue to inquire tomorrow."

Xiao Yu nodded and agreed. Luo Feng suddenly asked, "By the way, did Lu Qiu come to see you today?"

Xiao Yu shook his head and said weirdly: "No, he stays in the room with Mu Wanxin all day."

Luo Feng listened, with a strange golden light in his eyes, he hehe smiled, and said: "This ugly woman is really powerful. She actually uses her man as a cow. This squeeze for a day, the lion can't stand it. This dear friend is worth marrying. ."

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes, but speaking of it, although he seemed to be meditating all day, he was paying attention to the every move of the important people in the Mu family, like this Mu Chunhao and Mu Wanxin.

Mu Chunhao had been meditating in retreat all the time, and had set up a formation. Xiao Yu did not dare to bother him because he was afraid of discovering what happened last night.

The other Mu Wanxin was also in her room, and of course Luqiu was also there, and the two of them had been up and down all the time.

Of course Xiao Yu did not gossip about such things that are unsuitable for children. After all, people are Taoists and husbands and wives. This is normal.

Only at that moment, he would ring Gu Na, who had a physical relationship with him, and Yun Shuiyao.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu found that his mouth was dry, and he quickly recited the Great Prajna Sutra silently, letting the spiritual power of Buddhism clear the distracting thoughts in his mind.

After a while, Xiao Yu confessed something to Luo Feng, who was about to leave when suddenly someone came at the door.

It is Luqiu.

Luo Feng glanced at Xiao Yu in surprise, this Lu Qiu came so late?

"Does it bother you?" Luqiu asked.

Xiao Yu only realized that after they came back yesterday, they hadn't officially met.

"No, please come in."

When Luqiu came in, Xiao Yu and Luo Feng also saw each other's faces clearly. It was okay if they didn't look at it, they were shocked at first sight.

I saw that De Luqiu's whole face was pale, especially his eye sockets, with a dark black emerging, and both eyes were in a state of bloodshot eyes.

Xiao Yu was even more surprised to discover that the spirit of Luqiu's body was almost as if it had been sucked dry, and it was completely unique to that kind of dying old man.

I didn't see him that day, Luqiu was ten years old!

The originally slightly green and handsome face became sluggish, without the slightest anger, the blood flow speed of the meridians in his body also became slow.

But the only normal place is that Luqiu's vitality is relatively strong, but people are relatively weak.

However, in just such a day, it was not a fight but only an **** that could cause such a big change to a person, which really made Xiao Yu feel strange.

Obviously you are a Taoist companion, and you should be energetic after one day of cultivation. How could there be such a phenomenon?

But Xiao Yu didn't think so much either. After all, he was a husband and wife, so it was his turn to think so much.

Luo Feng widened his eyes and said, "I'll go, why are you walking out of the coffin? That woman is not so hungry, right?"


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