Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4350: Why do you guys

The white-haired old man’s eyes dimmed suddenly, and he sighed: “Since Luqiu introduced you to Huang Zhe, then he can prove his trust in you. I think he doesn’t want you to know about him, so you still don’t want to ask. Right."

After all, the gray-haired old man looked very tired, and then turned to enter the house.

Xiao Yu stopped the white-haired old man and said, "Senior, we can help him."

The white-haired old man stopped, he did not turn his head, but said: "Even the Mu Family can't help him, why are you?"

"Just because we are from Cangling Academy." Xiao Yu said word by word.

The white-haired old man trembled all over, and then turned around, his face was incredulous, even with a skeptical attitude, and Xiao Yu also flipped his hand, and then the Cangling Academy ID card appeared.

Luo Feng was surprised. Of course he knew that he couldn't expose his identity casually when he came to this strange place.

Especially if the other party doesn't know who it is!

The white-haired old man obviously had no experience. He stared at the identity card in Xiao Yu's hand, then looked at Xiao Yu, and said, "You should know that even if you are from the Cangling Academy, the Coffin Continent is very exclusive here. Besides, how do you know that I want to believe you?"

"Since I want seniors to believe me, then I will not hide it. When I speak of Cangling Academy, I am not afraid that you have any evil intentions against us. This is also my sincerity to help Luqiu." Xiao Yu said sincerely.

But the white-haired old man is a person who has lived all his life. He said: "I believe you, but it doesn't mean you have no purpose."

"Of course, we just want to know some news about Burning Fire." Xiao Yu said truthfully again.

Burn the fire!

Sure enough, the white-haired old man's eyes flashed, but soon he calmed down.

Speaking of it, Burning Fire is attractive enough to everyone, even for cultivation.

Because burning fire is a flame that can burn heaven and earth, it is also a great help to cultivators.

But if it is the group that really wants to get the burning fire, it is undoubtedly the alchemist and the refiner.

The white-haired old man didn't expect that the people from Cangling Academy were actually to find out about Fenhuo, but you should know that Fenhuo is here in the Coffin Continent, that is not easy to discuss!

But on the other hand, the white-haired old man became interested in Xiao Yu instead.

Courageous, neither humble nor overbearing, long-sleeved and good at dancing, this is indeed no ordinary person.

However, the white-haired old man shook his head immediately and said, "Actually, Huang Zhe and I want to help Luqiu more, but neither of us can do anything. Don’t talk about us, as I just said, even the Mu Family can’t help. what?"

Xiao Yu said, "It's undeniable, but seniors should also tell me the causes and consequences in advance. I only know that Luqiu's mother should be seriously ill and chose to join Zhumu's family in order to treat Luqiu's mother as a panacea from the Mu family. "

"Yes, I feel sorry for this child, and if it weren't for him, his mother would have died two years ago." The white-haired old man carried his hands on his back, his tone a little sad.

Luo Feng asked curiously: "Senior, I think you and Huang Lao seem to take care of Luqiu very much. What is your relationship?"

The white-haired old man gave a wry smile and said: "It's not just us? Except for the Mu family, people with surnames outside of us take care of Luqiu, because we watched him grow up, but...we also watched him become mediocre."

Finally, the white-haired old man showed a pity on his face.

Xiao Yu was about to ask something. Who knew Huangzhe's anxious voice came from the room: "Qiu Zhang, come in! She can't hold it anymore!!!"

Qiu Zhang was the name of the white-haired old man, and his face changed drastically when he heard it, as arrows rushed in.

Xiao Yu and Luo Feng looked at each other, the former frowned deeply and stepped in quickly.


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