Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4372: Three-level test

Before Mu Yin had spoken, a young voice suddenly rang.

Everyone looked at the crowd, it turned out to be a twenty-year-old youth.

Xiao Yu!

Xiao Yu's sudden utterance also caught Luo Feng by surprise.

However, Xiao Yu said, he had already stood out, and everyone was curious as to why Cheng Yaojin would suddenly come out.

Mu Yin narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked up and down Xiao Yu.

He only sensed a little bit of soul fluctuating aura from Xiao Yu, but he quickly withdrew his eyes, appearing very indifferent.

Na Mu Qirui still glanced at Xiao Yu lightly, and then withdrew his eyes, with a cold expression on his face.

This kind of soul cultivation does not pose any threat to him at all.

Not to mention Mu Qirui, it was the twenty-odd young people who frowned slightly, but most of them felt that there was no threat to them, and then stared coldly.

In any case, this guy who came out suddenly is also their competitor.

"Boy, have you awakened your soul too?" Mu Yin asked lightly.

"Yes, so, can I participate?" Xiao Yu asked with a faint smile.

"Yes, let's line up." Mu Yin waved his hand, seemingly indifferent.

In his opinion, this person's soul breath is simply too weak, and he has reached twenty years of age, in his opinion this has no future.

After all, cultivators can start cultivating as early as ten years old. At this age, future achievements are absolutely limited.

It's just that Mu Yin is going to finish this scene, so he doesn't care how many people are involved.

He was really guilty of not giving Xiao Yu to participate, and Mu Yin would certainly not do that.

For him, it doesn't matter how many people come to Qingmu Town.

"Well, you have already seen the test items in the first level. I have selected these elixir. Each two is complementary elixir, which means that they are the raw materials for refining the same kind of elixir. The individual writes the matching elixir on the paper, and the person who matches the correct one enters the second level. It should be noted that each person should not spend more than ten minutes in thinking, and if it exceeds it, even lose."

Soon, more than 20 people, including Xiao Yu, lined up, and then went to the front desk to write the elixir that they had matched in their minds.

The pen, ink, paper and inkstone are already on the table. As long as the names of the two elixir are written together, they are paired.

Xiao Yu was the last in the crowd.

The first test of course is the knowledge of spiritual medicine for those who want to go to the line of alchemists. It can be said that this is not too difficult.

However, don't ignore one. Mu Yin's requirement is paired, and it also shows that these elixir are the raw materials for refining the same kind of elixir, so the meaning is completely different.

Refining the same kind of elixir, although Mu Yin said it is a match, you should know that there are a total of twelve elixir here!

In other words, the attributes of the elixir that can complement each other require sufficient knowledge of elixir to be able to pair.

As for refining the same kind of spirit pills, if it is not for more in-depth study of spirit pills, how can this be easily matched?

Yes, as long as you look at ancient books, you can have a good understanding of elixir.

But the cognition of spirit pills is completely different.

Spirit pills involve too many things, first they are the pairing, complementation, or the same type of spirit medicine, then process, flame, etc.

It can be said that alchemy is not so long and simple.

Sure enough, the first one was thinking for a long time in front of the stage, and finally it was still scribbled when it was nearly nine minutes.

Although Xiao Yu was at the end of the crowd, he still secretly said in his heart: This level requires at least half of the people to be eliminated.


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