Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4377: Hold up the flame

What you need to know is that a powerful alchemist can be as powerful as a family.

How much life-saving equipment can a powerful refiner equip a big family?

The cultivation of geniuses is not based solely on talents, and the importance of these spirit pills and weapons cannot be ignored.

However, at this point, what I have to say is, if the alchemist and the refiner really want to reduce to their own hands? Is there any way?


Yes, the flame itself is an attacking thing, so of course it can be used to attack.

And don’t underestimate the flames of alchemists and refiners, because although the flames of these alchemists and refiners come from some fire-attribute plants or beast fires extracted from monsters’ bodies, these flames can be based on their soul realm. To increase the power.

Of course, the higher the level of flame, the more powerful it is, and the upper limit will naturally be greater. Otherwise, why is it said that burning fire can burn the world?

A discerning person knew at a glance that these flames contained considerable lethality.

Of course Mu Yin was proud. After all, so many people cast envious eyes, which made him very enjoyable.

His mind moved, and what was strange was that in the entire lobby room, all the flames did not have the hot breath that was just now, and suddenly calmed down.

Mu Yin said: "I have drawn away the fire attribute energy of the flame. Now it is just a flame with only a flame shell. I will give you one for each of you now."

Then, Mu Yin waved his hand, and then each went in front of everyone.

"The test of the second level is that you use the power of your soul to penetrate it. Whoever can hold the flame to the top three will win."

With a move in Xiao Yu's heart, there was some interest unexpectedly.

Such an assessment is of course unique, of course, only for Xiao Yu.

The flame in front of Xiao Yu really had no energy of fire attributes. At best, it could only be regarded as a flame containing the power of the soul.

The power of the soul here is of course Mu Yin's, but the power of the soul is equivalent to setting up a tent and doing this in the flames.

Go deep into your own soul power, and then add your own soul power to the original basic framework.

The so-called expansion of the flame, to put it plainly, is to build the power of the soul.

But you must know that if you want to prop up the flame, it is only a small matter to consume the power of the soul, because it does not take much power of the soul. The key is to hold the entire flame.

This is like building a house, Mu Yin just finished the foundation frame and foundation, and then added bricks and tiles.

Imagine that if you want to make a house bigger, in addition to requiring more materials, you must also consider the overall weight, and also consider whether the beams, pillars, etc. built by yourself can support the entire house.

It seems simple, but it is also difficult.

However, this was not a problem at all for Xiao Yu.

You know, when he was in the lower house, Tutsi came to a temporary surprise test, Xiao Yu portrayed the power array, and the completion rate was still 99%!

Such control over the soul is absolutely terrifying.

Not to mention that now it is just a flame.

"Well, the second level will start, and it will take half an hour."

Soon, all eight people gathered their energy together, and the power of their souls constantly penetrated out into the flames before their eyes.


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