Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4380: Stable as water (under)

As someone cried out strangely, they once again noticed Xiao Yu, or to put it this way, they had been watching Xiao Yu all the time, only because one person had failed, so they could see the contrast.

Yes, Xiao Yu is still calm and effortless.

"Brother Yu is great!" Luo Feng cried.

In fact, a discerning person knew at a glance that Xiao Yu's unstressed imagination was simply more shocking than Mu Qirui's huge flame.

Although in comparison, Xiao Yu's flame was the smallest of the three, and it was not even as big as the smallest flame five minutes ago.

But because of this, Xiao Yu has survived until now!

When Mu Yin saw this, his eyes flickered, but he still said, "Well, according to what I said before, the remaining three people stay, congratulations, and enter the next level."

In an instant, some people quit.

"Master Yin, this is not fair!"

"Yes! That kid's soul realm is obviously not very high, but with his slow tactics, he just dragged it to the end, how can this be considered a victory?"

"Yes, Master Yin, you are talking about the three people with the biggest flames! This kid is obviously not in the ranks."

All of a sudden, a small number of people became a little uncomfortable.

Of course, they didn't shout too loudly, they just protested with Mu Yin in a tactful tone.

When Xiao Yu heard this, his face was expressionless, and he didn't say anything.

Indeed, if you follow Mu Yin's rules before, that is, whoever can stretch the flame to the largest top three will win.

Theoretically, the first three people who can stretch the flame to the largest should be the three people with the highest soul talent and realm.

Because under normal circumstances, the realm of the soul is basically proportional to the control of the power of the soul.

But who could have imagined that the second level of the competition had such a small problem, that is, Xiao Yu's flames were not the biggest, but he was in the top three at the end.

Although Xiao Yu only completed the latter of Mu Yin's "Top Three" and "Till the End", that is, half completed, how can this be called a victory?

After all, in their opinion, Xiao Yu was a sign of opportunism!

Because if the people who are eliminated at the beginning also know how to slowly output the power of the soul, and then hold it up at the end, although they may not be able to achieve the shape of the flame to squeeze into the top three, at least two or three people are confident. His flame must be bigger than Xiao Yu, and he can hold on to the last five minutes!

Therefore, the people who participated in the competition and the family members of these people were of course not happy, so they started to booze.


Mu Yin snorted coldly. Although he is a soul cultivator, his soul realm is not weak. A heavy and cold breath enveloped the entire lobby. The people on the scene were aware of the coldness of the soul. Of course Now, this cold has no effect on Xiao Yu.

"You are questioning my choice, right?" Mu Yin said coldly, and the audience just didn't dare to speak.

However, Mu Yin was not too stern, but indifferent: "The second level tests the control of the power of the soul. It seems that some of the eliminated people seem to be able to survive to the end, but you In the early stage, I was so indulgent and unscrupulously aroused the power of the soul. Do I think that I can take the lead?"

"You are wrong. A truly powerful soul cultivator must control the power of the soul at will. There will be absolutely no top-heavy or anticlimactic phenomenon. You can't even master the degree and amount of the soul power. How to control the power of the soul to build the formation framework?"

When Mu Yin said this, the audience stopped talking.


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