Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4390: Roundabouts

Seeing Mu Qirui leaving, Luo Feng sneered and said: "This guy just can't afford to lose. He doesn't know that there are people outside the world, there is a reason for heaven outside."

Xiao Yu shook his head slightly, from beginning to end, he didn't even glance at Mu Qirui.

"By the way, Brother Yu, you still hide so deeply. It seems that you are a pill-refining boy with Elder Gongsun, so you are not in vain!"

Luo Feng was quick to speak at this moment, but he forgot that there was a twelve or thirteen-year-old pill refining boy present. Xiao Yu immediately winked at him, but Luo Feng had already blurted out.

The alchemy boy was stunned on the spot. What kind of elder did this person make alchemy?

What surprised him most was that this person was the same as himself, an alchemy boy! ?

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Xiao Yu's alchemy cultivation is for a reason.

Xiao Yu gave Luo Feng a white look. The latter grinned and seemed to realize that he was straightforward.

"Trouble lead the way." Xiao Yu said to the alchemy boy.

Soon, following the alchemy boy, Xiao Yu and Luo Feng walked into the inner hall.

There is a long corridor in the inner hall with rooms on both sides of the corridor.

These rooms are alchemy rooms, so there is heat and fragrance in them that escapes.

"Don't talk later, do you hear it?" Xiao Yu spoke to Luo Feng's soul next to him.

Luo Feng nodded obediently.

How could Mu Yin see Xiao Yu for no reason?

Is this still necessary? This is definitely a fancy to Xiao Yu's alchemy talent!

And isn't this what Xiao Yu wants to achieve?

In a short while, the alchemy boy took Xiao Yu and Luo Feng to the door.

"Master, he brought it here."

"You get back first." Mu Yin's voice came from inside.

"Boy, come in." Mu Yin said again.

The alchemy boy stepped back, and Xiao Yu and Luo Feng stepped in.

After entering, Mu Yin turned his back to them, and there were many jade boxes on Mu Yin's countertop, there were as many as five.

There is a fragrance in the jade boxes. Needless to say, you know that these jade boxes must contain precious elixir.

"Do you know?" Mu Yin looked at the five jade boxes and exclaimed, "Although I am knowledgeable, Mu Yin knows where his cultivation level is at my age now. If I can reach the Celestial Spirit Alchemist within my lifetime, then I will be enough."

Luo Feng was a little surprised, muttering in his heart, this guy was so sensational when he came up, this is completely different from the proud look outside!

However, Xiao Yu felt the same about this sentence.

The cultivator, whether it is spiritual power, physical body, or soul, is talent first. Mu Yin is now more than 40 years old. At this age, the soul talent is evident.

In addition, in the small place of Qingmu Town, it is impossible to obtain a higher cultivation method, so what Mu Yin said was true.

"So, once I have a chance to improve my cultivation, I will do my best. Just like this time there was a notice in the clan. As long as the family members recommend talented alchemy children to go up, then we can get even more powerful cultivation skills. Fa and cultivation resources."

After that, Mu Yin stared at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu was amused secretly in his heart. This Mu Yin is not so old-fashioned to play emotional cards, but a kind of straightforward honesty, which can better win the trust and goodwill of others, and also let people see the sincerity of the other party.

It can be said that Mu Yin's words did have some superb tactics in it. Unfortunately, Xiao Yu had seen through these tricks early in the morning.

"Master Yin, what can I say directly."


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