Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4394: See profit and forget righteousness

Mu Yin never thought that Xiao Yu would refuse.

Then, Xiao Yu changed his voice and said, "Master Yin, don't get me wrong, I mean, if your quota is given to me, what about Mu Qirui?"

Mu Yin's eyes flickered, and he immediately relaxed. He thought Xiao Yu really rejected him.

He said indifferently: "You don't have to worry about this. I will think of a way to get the best of both worlds, even if it really doesn't work, then I will let him wait another year."

Luo Feng sneered in his heart, secretly saying that this guy didn't even care about his adopted son for himself.

"This doesn't seem right, isn't it the same as offending him in disguise?" Xiao Yu glanced at Mu Yin, seemingly wondering what Mu Yin thought.

Mu Yin said indifferently: "It is my decision to decide who to recommend, and it has nothing to do with other people. What's more, the requirements of the clan are the most talented people in each region, and so many people are watching, who is the winner at a glance. ."

Xiao Yu scorned Mu Yin in his heart. He didn't expect that this person would even ignore his appearance for himself.

Obviously, Mu Yin was going to give this place to Xiao Yu. I don't know how chilling Mu Qirui would feel after listening.

However, Xiao Yu still pretended to ponder, shook his head and said, "It's still not right."

"What's wrong?" Mu Yin frowned. He didn't expect this guy to be so unsure of what's good or bad.

I don't know how many people wanted this opportunity, but he actually shied away twice?

"Because it is recommended to go to the Mu family of the clan, is it to enter the Mu family?"

Mu Yin glanced at Xiao Yu and sneered: "Do you know that the Coffin Continent is on other continents. How many people want to join the Mu Family?"

"Joining the Mu Family means that you have better and more generous training resources, and it also means that you have the opportunity to work with a larger force. When you are famous all over the world and the world is famous for nine days, wouldn't it be the glory of the ancestor?"

Luo Feng muttered: "Isn't Guangzong Yaozu a clan that shouldn't be a foreigner? Isn't this a rebellion against the classics, deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors? How to be worthy of the ancestors and ancestors."

Mu Yin said indifferently, "People don’t kill themselves. The Mu family is the first family in the Coffin Continent. If you enter the Mu family and become a member of the Mu family, will you lose your face? You know, I don’t know how much. People who are willing to squeeze their heads want to join the Mu family, and some even swear to change their surnames and enter the ancestral temple."

Luo Feng sneered at this, but wittyly did not refute Mu Yin.

After all, Mu Yin is now to let Xiao Yu join the Mu family, so he would move out for whatever reason.

Seeing Xiao Yu's silence, Mu Yin immediately asked, "Little friend, if you have any concerns, you might as well just tell them, I will all be satisfied."

In fact, Mu Yin is very impatient in his heart. The highest realm of alchemy masters can refine the spirit pill of transcendence, which is equivalent to entering the divine realm in another way. This is what many people dream of. ?

For countless years, no soul cultivator can reach this step, but the alchemist can.

Although difficult, this is the lifelong pursuit of countless alchemists!

Even if you don't say such a big, such a distant dream, simply to reach a certain height, power, beauty, status, and fame all follow one after another. At the end of life, what can a husband want?

He didn't understand at all, why hesitated.

Xiao Yu groaned for a while and said, "Master Yin, to be honest, I don't have much interest in alchemy, but I heard that there is another branch of alchemist, right?"

Who knows, when Xiao Yu said this, Mu Yin's eyes flickered, and this time he was caught by Xiao Yu.


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