Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4397: Don't have a picture

"That kid turned out to be a soul cultivator?"

At this time, the Mu Family and Mu Chunhao's room were still the guards of the Mu Family who reported last time. Of course, Mu Chunhao was also inside.

When Mu Chunhao heard the report from his subordinates about Xiao Yu, his brows immediately frowned.

In fact, what happened to Xiao Yu at Mu Yin Mansion has spread throughout Qingmu Town.

After all, in this plane world where alchemists are respected, things about alchemists are spread quickly.

But what Mu Chunhao didn't expect was that the kid who suddenly appeared in Qingmu Town turned out to be a double repairer! And it seems to be an alchemist!

The middle-aged man reporting the information pondered for a moment, and said: "But the last level is just a rough alchemy. It is still impossible to test whether this kid is really an alchemist, but it is certain that his soul talent is very high, Lian Yin The master has changed his mind."

"Oh?" Mu Chunhao was a little surprised.

At this moment, Mu Chunhao looked out the door, and there was a figure walking in at the door. This person was also very young, but his face was very gloomy.

This person is not someone, but it is Mu Qirui.

"Brother Chunhao, you must know it too." Mu Qirui said solemnly.

Mu Chunhao nodded slightly and said, "I just knew it too."

"Hehe, I didn't expect that a kid suddenly appeared, so that the foster father could give up the feelings of more than ten years." Mu Qirui laughed at herself.

Mu Chunhao didn't speak, and the middle-aged man felt the atmosphere a little heavy.

Obviously, Mu Qirui had already known Mu Yin's recommended quota, and it must have been given to that young man, not to his adopted son.

As an adopted son, Mu Qirui certainly feels chilly.

From the perspective of Mu Chunhao, although Mu Qirui looks like Mu Yin, Mu Qirui has been playing with him since he was a child, and he has become his own brother.

He also knew that Mu Qirui's talent was second to none in Qingmu Town, but in any case, Mu Yin's position in the family was second only to his father. Mu Chunhao could not comment on Mu Yin's approach.

Mu Chunhao said: "Qi Rui, it is not Uncle Yin that you want to hate, but that kid, because that kid's path is a bit wrong, I think it's also because of this that Uncle Yin was confused."

Mu Qirui frowned and looked at Mu Chunhao.

Then Mu Chunhao just told Mu Qirui about Xiao Yu and Luo Feng.

After listening to Mu Qirui, his face moved slightly, and said, "Bro Chunhao means that these two people come to our Mu family, do they have a different plan?"

Mu Chunhao's eyes flickered and said: "I don't know, but since the beginning he was able to help that waste to obtain Huang Ginseng, I am afraid he has some purpose. Now he is still a double repairer, maybe just for recommendation. This place is here."

Mu Qirui was equally careful. He asked: "Have you found out his origin? I don't think he behaves like a person in Qingmu Town."

The middle-aged man said: "He is indeed not from Qingmu Town. According to my young master's guess, he is very likely from another plane."

Mu Qirui took a deep breath, his eyes flickering, and said, "People from the outer planes cannot easily come to the Coffin Continent without a pass. Is he really for this recommended quota?"

From Mu Qirui's point of view, those who can get a pass must have something to do with it even if it is not a big family.

Do you come here for so much hard work to get the recommended quota of this clan?

"This possibility is not small."


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