Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4400: Xiquan (Part 1)

"What do you want to say?" Mu Qirui said coldly, even though he had some ideas in his heart, he still couldn't imagine it.

"Hehe, Mu Gongzi is so smart, he must know what I'm talking about." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

Mu Qirui's wine immediately woke up for three points.

"I don't know what you said." Mu Qirui said coldly.

The middle-aged man smiled and said indifferently: "I am afraid that the entire Qingmu Town knows what happened today. Is Mu Gongzi still going to sit back and watch?"

Mu Qirui's face sank and did not speak.

The middle-aged man continued: "Now Mu Gongzi has been treated as a joke by the whole town, plus

The two days were actually very fast. The next day, Xiao Yu was informed that early tomorrow morning, someone would **** to the clan Mu's house. Even if his adoptive father didn't help, people would be chilled! "

"Don't sow discord here!" Mu Qirui was angry, but there was no attack.

"In Xiaxiquan, I am willing to do the best for Mu Gongzi and overcome all difficulties for Mu Gongzi."

Mu Qirui said coldly: "I said, don't sow discord here, even if the foster father is sorry for me, he will always be my adoptive father, and I will not betray him."

"Mu Gongzi don't make a decision so quickly, why not listen to my plan?" Xi Quan said with a faint smile.

Mu Qirui didn't speak, but he obviously acquiesced.

Xiquan said indifferently: "My plan is very simple. Just get rid of this kid, and the quota will fall into Mu Gongzi's hands, right? Don't tell me Mu Gongzi never thought about it."

Mu Qirui's eyes flashed, of course he had thought about this idea!

But as he said just now, this is tantamount to betraying Mu Yin!

No matter how much Mu Yin apologized to him, he didn't hurt him. He just gave this place to others, and from another perspective, Mu Yin has raised Mu Qirui for more than ten years!

Mu Qirui's achievements today are all given by Mu Yin.

The quota is determined by Mu Yin himself. Mu Qirui secretly kills the people appointed by Mu Yin. Then Mu Yin's interests and rewards will be affected. How could Mu Yin be happy?

"Hehe, it seems that Young Master Mu is still soft-hearted! The so-called big things do not stick to the trivial, as I said just now, how come you are not from the Mu family, even if you really make a mistake, can Master Yin still punish you for failing? You know, that kid is dead, and you are the only person. Who does he recommend?" Xiquan said.

After being said by Xiquan, Mu Qirui's eyes flashed brighter, and he immediately lost his drink.

Yes, his adoptive father only has his own adopted son. After killing that guy himself, does his adoptive father really want to punish himself?

But Mu Qirui is not an ordinary young person after all, his eyes drenched, and he said solemnly: "You don't know the origin of that person."

Then, Mu Qirui told Xiquan what he had heard from Mu Chunhao.

After Xiquan listened, he laughed and said, "It turns out that it might be a trash fish from the continent of the outer plane. I thought it was a child of a big family! If that's the case, Master Mu doesn't have to worry about it."

"I know what Young Master Mu is worried about. You said that this person has the cultivation base of the Void Spirit Realm. Then I will help you find a pure Spirit Realm to deal with him. Isn't it foolproof?" Xi Quan said with a smile.

Mu Qirui's heart trembled, and it was false to say that he didn't move, but he glanced at Xiquan and said indifferently, "What is your requirement for helping me so hard?"


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