Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4402: Plan ahead

Early in the morning of the third day, someone was already waiting outside the room where Xiao Yu lived.

"My son, we are here to **** you on Master Yin's order."

"Where is Master Yin? Will he go together?" Xiao Yu asked.

"Master Yin has not been in Qingmu Town for the past two days. He specifically ordered us to protect you. After we **** the son to Yatou Town, Master Yin will go to meet the son." The person outside said.

"Okay, you go outside and wait for me." Xiao Yu ordered.

After a while, Luo Feng came over from the next room.

"Brother Yu, what shall we do?" Luo Feng frowned, "I thought Mu Yin would come with him, but I didn't expect to go to Yatou Town."

Luo Feng inquired about the news in the past two days, and people from all over the coffin continent would send recommended talented children to Yatou Town.

Yatou Town is a large regional town, where people from the clan are waiting.

At that time, all the talented children recommended will gather here, and then send them to the Mu Family of the clan together.

This was indeed a bit unexpected by Xiao Yu. He pondered, and Luo Feng continued: "Can we leave here? Once we get to Yatou Town and come back, it will be too late."

"These people outside are of great strength, four virtual spirit realms and one pure spirit realm, so they have to go at this time." Xiao Yu frowned.

Then Xiao Yu got up, his eyes flickered, and said, "I didn't expect to be so much ahead of our plan."

Although Xiao Yu's plan was seamless, the accidents that occurred in the middle were beyond human control.

"If this is the case, the one who should come will still come. If this is the case, we will act first." Xiao Yu's eyes condensed. He didn't expect that the battle would come so soon.

The guards downstairs in the inn knew that they were born by regular soldiers. They were well-trained and pretended to be passers-by downstairs in the inn without causing much sensation.

The group of people walked towards the city gate one after another, they followed behind. As for Luo Feng, after leaving the inn, he also ran away towards the city gate.

The leader of the guard this time was a burly middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was unsmiling and led the way in front of Xiao Yu after he left the city gate. The other four people were on both sides of Xiao Yu.

Their auras are very restrained, and they are obviously masters who often fight.

In half a day, at noon, they came from the forest to the mountains and then into the desolate valley.


The burly man yelled, and immediately started patrolling around.

His eyes looked like eagle eyes, looking at the surrounding mountains and big rocks, sensing these auras.

This **** task is very critical. Mu Yin invited them to move. Of course, they can't just casually.

But the burly man felt that the surrounding atmosphere seemed a little quiet.

Along the way, Xiao Yu had always been thinking about when to do it, because if five people went together, his chances of winning were not great.

Although he was also in the Void Spirit Realm, he could surpass his own power to fight, but he was still too reluctant.

Of course, there are marks left by him in the distance, and Luo Feng will follow them up.

As long as he procrastinated for a while, then after Luo Feng came up, he would have a lot of chances to escape.

You know, choosing to do it in a deserted place is the wisest choice. It would be irrational to do it directly on Mu Yin in the city, because that was the place of Mu Family.

As long as the people from the Mu family swarmed, Xiao Yu's plan would be ruined.

He planned to go to another town after a big deal, but he couldn't leave like that, because he promised to help Luqiu, and then got the information of burning fire from Huangzhe's mouth.

Xiao Yu didn't want to miss major events because of impulse.

There was no other way, because he was thinking about starting with Mu Yin halfway.

It's just that Mu Yin didn't keep up, so he had to take corresponding measures.

In addition, I already knew that Mu Yin knew how to refine poison, so even if this plan failed, he could still plan again when he went back.


However, just when Xiao Yu was about to do it, his heart moved, and his eyes looked far ahead halfway up the mountain.

"It's murderous."

Xiao Yu's eyes drenched.

"Who!? Come out!!!"


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