Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4416: Find the door (below)

Outside of Huangzhe's small courtyard in the bamboo forest, there are more than a dozen masters of the Mu family. The head of them is a middle-aged man in his forties.

The middle-aged man's name is Mu Ling, he is a master of the Mu family, his strength is at the level of the pure spirit realm, and there are six virtual spirit realms beside him! The others are the first spirit realm!

Such cultivation is very terrifying.

"Are you sure you saw Qiu Zhang inside?" Mu Ling stared at the small bamboo courtyard hundreds of meters ahead, and asked the man next to him.

The man nodded, this man's nose is unusually big, this is a person with a natural sense of smell and six senses.

"It can't be wrong. Huangzhe and Qiu Zhang have frequent contacts. The three of them knew each other before Luqiu entered Zhumu's house. In addition, the young master said that they tracked the two boys here to look for Huangzhe, so his subordinates Guess, these two people are likely to be here. And I also feel his breath here."

Mu Ling's eyes shimmered slightly, and an astonishing cold light radiated out, he said loudly: "Listen to the people inside, come out obediently, otherwise we will go in and kill!"

Mu Ling is a cruel person, not to mention threatening their Mu family now, so he will not relent.

What's more, there are now more than a dozen of them, even if they have three heads and six arms, they will never escape.

Inside the room.

"It seems that I still underestimated the Mu Family. We should have left here early in the morning." Huang Zhe's face was heavy.

Because of his relationship with Luqiu, and because Mu Chunhao sent someone to follow Xiao Yu a few days ago, they should have left here, but they didn't expect Mu Family to act so quickly.

"There is only one pure spirit realm outside, but there are six virtual spirit realms, and there are seven in the first spiritual realm." Xiao Yu said calmly.

Qiu Zhang's eyes flickered and said, "In other words, none of them can stay."

Now that they have found this place, the best way is naturally to kill people.

If their whereabouts were exposed once they returned to the Mu Family, Xiao Yu and the others would be in a more difficult situation.

"But there are fourteen of them." Huang Zhe said worriedly.

He is a pure alchemist, not dual cultivation, so he has no fighting ability.

And there are only three of them. Qiu Zhang is in the pure spirit realm, and Xiao Yu and Luo Feng are in the virtual spirit realm. The odds of winning are simply not great.

Isn't this nonsense?

"I will deal with the leader, can you handle the others?" Xiao Yu said suddenly, then looked at Qiu Zhang and Luo Feng.

Qiu Zhang and Huang Zhe were shocked and looked at Xiao Yu.

They thought they had heard it wrong, after all, Xiao Yu only had the Void Spirit Realm!

Does the virtual spirit realm deal with a pure spirit realm? What is this not looking for death?

What's more, Qiu Zhang himself is a pure spirit realm. In any case, Qiu Zhang should deal with this person.

But the two old men looked at Xiao Yu, only to find that there was no wave in Xiao Yu's eyes, or even a very calm posture, which made them very surprised. Is this man really incapable of being three-headed and six-armed?

But even with three heads and six arms, it is impossible to cross a realm!

Luo Feng smiled and said, "Since Brother Yu said that, it is up to him and the other two of us to handle it."

Qiu Zhang and Huang Zhe once again looked at Luo Feng dumbfounded, what did this guy say?

Two of them, should they face 13 people?

Crazy, these two must be crazy!


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