Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4418: War wooden collar

Obviously, he felt that this is a kind of body magic, but this kind of body magic is used from a guy in the virtual spirit realm, and the speed is so fast!

It was just a moment, and it was in front of the wooden collar.

Mu Ling's gang were all taken aback, especially those virtual spirit realms. This kid is obviously in the same realm as them, but his explosive power is a little scarier, right?

The golden light seemed to have a gas mark in the space, the wooden collar's eyes drenched, his footsteps slammed on the ground, and his figure rushed up.

"If you want to die, I will send you to Huangquan!"

Wooden collar is not easy to provoke, a Void Spirit Realm dare to provoke him, if he doesn't kill this kid with thunder, how can he convince the crowd?

Along the way, an astonishing momentum suddenly erupted, and the palm of the wooden collar whirled, and a cyclone condensed in his palm. A terrifying suction force absorbed the spiritual power of the surrounding world.

"Hook up!"

Earth-level spiritualism!

The wooden collar slapped towards the golden light, and the sound of rolling thunder shook the air away, and the space suddenly became a state of oppression.

The power of this palm was very powerful, and even Qiu Zhang in the distance was moved.

But before he was surprised, a powerful collision rang out, and then the two figures retreated dozens of meters.

The two are tied!

Some faint golden light flickered on Xiao Yu's body, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he smiled: "It seems that it's still interesting to play against a real person, and the battle puppet is not comparable."

The comparison between a real person and a war puppet is that one has feelings and the other has no feelings.

The battle puppet can't feel pain, and the battle is mostly a single and boring state.

Although they were both in the pure spirit realm, they felt completely different from the fighting state.

"How is it possible!?" The helper next to Mu Ling was taken aback.

Their boss actually drew a tie with a virtual spirit realm kid!

This is really incredible, the two are a big difference!

Of course, Mu Ling's face seemed heavy.

Of course he knew how powerful his palm was just now, but even so, he and the other party were actually tied!

is it possible?

The kind of power he encountered just now was like encountering a mountain, it was the kind of unshakable feeling that even made him look up.

That kind of feeling was very uncomfortable. It was obvious that his strength was higher than that of the other party, but the result was that he was in a state of looking up.

Qiu Zhang was stunned at once. He didn't expect that this young man would have the fighting power of such an enchanting evildoer. This was simply too shocking!

"Look, I said, Brother Yu will be fine." Luo Feng said triumphantly to Qiu Zhang next to him.

Qiu Zhang took a deep breath. He still didn't believe that Xiao Yu could have this kind of leapfrog fighting power. This was incredible.

"Boy, it seems that I underestimated you. Your strength is not only beyond my expectations, I am afraid that even the young master doesn't know it." Mu Ling stared at Xiao Yu, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Xiao Yu calmly said: "What about it, it's a pity that you don't have a chance anymore, just die."

The so-called late is changing, Xiao Yu didn't want any accidents, he simply shot directly.

When it was said that it was too late, the dragon-suppressing pile surging out, from Xiao Yu's limbs, hundreds of skeletons and all the bones, at the same time burst out the same power as a volcanic eruption.

"Zhenlong pile eighteenth style, Longtaiyin!"


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