Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4421: Run away

Mu Ling had never imagined that this man's combat power was so terrifying, at this moment, and this kind of destructive moves, one after another, made him overwhelmed.

In the sky, another giant dragon **** stomped down, and the wooden collar was oppressed on the ground on the spot, turning into a meat sauce.


Luo Feng and Qiu Zhang didn't keep their hands, they just played a powerful offensive.

On the one hand, because Qiu Zhang was in a pure spirit realm, even if he faced several virtual spirit realms, he would not find it difficult, but it would seem difficult to kill them at the same time.

As for Luo Feng, just now he swept through a thousand-armed offensive and blocked more than a dozen people. This kind of terrifying potential and combat effectiveness is also amazing.

Therefore, as soon as the two of them entered the circle of war, their moves were fatal and heavy. For a time, seven or eight people fell in a pool of blood.


An astonishing wave shook in all directions, and the entire bamboo forest land shook.


When Mu Ling's men saw this scene, their faces were pale.

This is simply terrible, their boss can't even survive three tricks!

What power is this?

"This kid is too scary, no, we have to go back and report it!" How quickly did one of them react and immediately fled.

They finally understood that even if they had a large number of people, they couldn't be the opponent of these three people, especially those two people, it was simply terrifying.

They saw the young man with long hair and the handsome boy and the boy with a hippie smile, and they knew what an evil spirit and a genius were.

At this moment, the remaining five people all began to have the heart to escape.

After the yell of the person just now, they quickly gave up the resistance and fled with all their strength.

"Disperse!" one of the captain's men shouted.

The five people rushed in different directions.

"Oops!" Qiu Zhang's face changed slightly.

This group of people reacted very quickly, plus they have five people, they only have three people, how to chase them?

"You chase one, and leave the remaining three to me."

Xiao Yu left a word and took the lead in turning into golden light and surging in one direction.

Luo Feng didn't say anything, and swept away.

Qiu Zhang didn't hesitate, but he could only trust Xiao Yu, because he thought of Xiao Yu's words before, and Xiao Yu did it afterwards, even though he still hesitated a little.

The gold-stone flash technique turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the distance, Xiao Yu urged his speed to the extreme.

They want to implement the plan, and of course they can't let these slip-through fish go back, otherwise it will be even more difficult for them to stay in Qingmu Town.

At his speed, even the pure spirit realm can catch up, not to mention that the person he is chasing only has the cultivation base of the first spirit realm.

In an instant, the man was overtaken by Xiao Yu, and he was shaken to death with one palm.

Xiao Yu didn't stop for a moment, he immediately chased him in another direction. The person in this direction was a virtual spirit realm.

Because of this, the other party must have escaped farther. It was not that Xiao Yu didn't chase the strong people first, but he killed the close ones first, and killed the close ones before killing the distant ones.

When Xiao Yu killed the only one in the Primal Spirit Realm, the other Void Spirit Realm was already thousands of meters away, but Xiao Yu still caught up quickly.

The speed of the Jinshi flash technique is very terrifying, you know, even the strength of the leader of the Black Tiger Hall, Wu Qidu, who is stronger than the Three Spirit Realm, can be defeated!

It's too easy to catch up with a virtual spirit realm.

"Ah, forgive me!"


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