Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4424: Defend the city

Mu Zin couldn't help being shaken.

The strength that can cause this kind of incision is certainly extraordinary.

Is it really those two guys?

He was not sure, his eyes looked far into the forest.

"Brother Mu Zin, what should we do, do we want to chase in?" one person asked.

If it is really the two wanted criminals, then this will cause a big shock.

Mu Zin's eyes flickered, and then he said: "You can't act rashly. These two people are so cunning, maybe they are trying to turn the tiger away from the mountain."

Everyone present was taken aback.

Yes, since they have some intentions against the Mu Family, but they cannot enter the city with a big fanfare, then the best way is to move the tiger away from the mountain.

"Go back!"

Mu Zin was afraid of something wrong, and hurried back to the city gate.

The distance here is only five hundred meters away from the city gate, so it is not too far, he was relieved after returning to the city wall.

Looking at some merchants and others who were constantly coming in below, Mu Zin asked the soldiers on the wall, "Are there any problems?"


One person asked strangely: "Brother Mu Zin, what's wrong, what happened in the forest just now?"

"It's not certain for the time being, but Uncle Mu Ling and the others have been in the mountains and forests for so long, it is very likely that they have encountered an accident." Mu Zin's eyes shrank.

The soldiers on the wall were all taken aback, their expressions changed.

They are all young children of the Mu family, and naturally they know Mu Ling, but this is a team of a dozen people!

How can it be said that if you are killed, you will be killed!

But from Mu Zin's expression, they knew that Mu Zin did not lie, and the incident must be very serious.

After Mu Zin came back, the people from the first team also came back one after another.

"Well, Big Brother Mu Zin, is there any accident?" a group of people asked.

"No." Mu Zin shook his head.

They breathed a sigh of relief, but recalling the scene in the woods just now made their hearts feel heavy again.

"Uncle Mu Ling's situation is uncertain, but based on the situation just now, there must be a fight, and the young master will definitely be angry."

"But there are only so many people in Qingmu Town. The masters in the family mainly have to guard the Mu family. It is impossible to send more people into the mountain."

"Yes, and what if it is the enemy's plan?"

"Brother Muzi, what shall we do now?"

Mu Zin’s eyes flickered and said: “Report this incident and send more people to guard the city gate. Even if there is any movement outside the city, the city wall must be guarded strictly. Any disturbance in the city will be the first time. Return!"


For some reason, the people on the entire wall felt a chill behind their backs.

Mountains and forests in the distance.

The place where the big tree was cut just now began to become quieter, and then three figures swept over from a distance. It was Xiao Yu, Luo Feng and Qiu Zhang.

"They really didn't catch up." Qiu Zhang was relieved.

Of course, the movement that occurred here just now was caused by Xiao Yu. Fortunately, when the opponent's strong man was about to escape from the forest, he was killed by Xiao Yu.

But this also alarmed the wooden collar and others on the other side of the city wall.

Fortunately, they did not search in out of caution, otherwise Xiao Yu and the others might have to flee again.

"Now they just suspect that something has happened to their own people, and they are not sure that we are here. This is good news for us." Xiao Yu said.

"But it can't be delayed for long. I heard that the Mu Family Patriarch is in retreat, that is, they will leave the customs in these two or three days. Most of the Mu Family's hands are guarding the Mu Family, so they can't separate themselves." Qiu Zhang said.

Luo Feng said, "In other words, once the Mu Family Patriarch leaves the customs, maybe they will enter the mountain for a large-scale search?"

"Not bad!"

Then the two looked at Xiao Yu.


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