Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4435: Only chance

Since Mu Wanxin can obtain Luqiu's Yang Qi and talents through Taoist cultivation methods, it means that this sorcery is reversible.

But now the first thing to do is to get rid of Mu Chunhao.

Luqiu also put away his brief joy.

After all, Mu Chunhao is the biggest enemy, because in the entire Mu family, Mu Chunhao's cultivation is the strongest, reaching the late stage of the pure spirit realm.

In addition, he is the orthodox direct descendant of the Mu family and the future head of the Mu family. Therefore, his ability is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

"There must be many masters around Mu Chunhao now. It is almost impossible to lead him out, and he will not be easily fooled." Xiao Yu said with his eyes narrowed.

Luo Feng also nodded and said: "When things have reached this point, they must have reacted. This is our last chance."

Xiao Yu nodded and agreed.

Anything cannot be developed completely according to one's own wishes.

Just as Xiao Yu originally planned that after Mu Yin arrived in Yatou Town, he was slowly tattooing him, and then making progress.

Who knew that Mu Qirui kicked in halfway and disrupted his plan.

And he decided to tell Luqiu the truth, and when he killed Mu Yin, he expected that there would be today's battle.

But the problem now is that their strength is too weak.


After a while, two figures swept over again, and it was Qiu Zhang and Huang Zhe.

"Old Qiu, Old Huang." Seeing the two, Lu Qiu looked guilty and thankful.

After all, he had to kneel down again, but this time Qiu Zhang quickly took advantage of it.

"Don't say so much, I also know you are in the dark, we didn't blame you." Huangzhe sighed.

Luqiu had sacrificed enough for his mother's life. At that time, because he was in the Mu family, how could he listen to their advice?

But this is the end, and there is nothing left to say.

Qiu Zhang immediately said: "The highest alert has been raised in the city, and they have sealed off Qingmu Town. If they want to enter the Mu Family, they have to attack."

Everyone looked at this scene from Shantou Mountain and could see the entire Qingmu Township brightly lit.

Obviously because of Mu Yin's killing, the Mu family was greatly shaken.

Therefore, the guard work of the Mu family certainly needs to be done well.

No one knows what Xiao Yu's purpose is. Now even Luqiu has disappeared, and he killed Mu Yin. It is only strange that the Mu family is not in a mess.

Huang Zhe looked at Xiao Yu and the others, shook his head and said, "Our manpower is thin, and strong attack is definitely not the best way."

Qiu Zhang and Luqiu were silent immediately.

Strong attack is certainly not the best way, or even the worst way!

This is the entire Qingmu Town, the entire Mu Family, and it is simply the Three Spirit Realm. I don't know how many there are. How can I kill them?

Among them, only Qiu Zhang had a pure spirit realm. No matter how strong Xiao Yu's combat power was, he would at best resist a pure spirit realm. What's more, Luo Feng and Luqiu were nothing but virtual spirit realms.

How can this compete with the Mu Family?

How to catch Mu Chunhao and Mu Wanxin?

At this moment, Xiao Yu's eyes were silent, looking at the restless flames in Qingmu Town, and calmly said: "Strikes may not be the best way, but it is the only way. If you can lend me your power for a short time, let me I break through in a short time, and I may have a way to make Mujiaji fly dog ​​jump."

After that, Xiao Yu looked at Qiu Zhang and Luqiu.

And a few people, their eyes are discolored, is this guy crazy?

Use one person to fight against the entire Mu family?

"Trust me, a mere wooden family is not enough to make me afraid." Xiao Yu said proudly.



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