Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4441: Kill the Quartet (Part 2)

The strength of the physical body, especially when facing the army, can simply reflect the most vivid taste.

Xiao Yu was like a humanoid murderer. His fists, knees, legs, and even his body were the most terrifying weapons.

That kind of destruction is simply like a broken bamboo.

The army of tens of thousands of people was instantly defeated.

On the city wall, the guards were shocked instantly.

With one stroke, one punch can kill more than dozens of people. Is this kind of power and aura really just a virtual spirit realm?

"This kid, I didn't expect the physical body to be so powerful as to be so amazing."

"It's terrible, I remember he seems to be a double repair?"

"His spiritual power is so powerful. It is said that he can kill even the pure spiritual realm. Now even the physical body is so abnormal."

The children of the Mu family were moved.

A person, shocking in the realm, this is nothing.

The key is that this person's soul is still so outstanding.

And now, this person's physical cultivation is also unique!

On the battlefield, there is no evenly matched position, nor is there a sea of ​​tactics.

In just a few minutes, he was beaten out of the crowd by Xiao Yu.

The corpses all over the ground, the blood flowing into the creek, and the broken arms and limbs everywhere, showed the brutality of this humanoid monster beast Xiao Yu.

In a few minutes, more than two thousand people have died.

Even if they have tens of thousands of soldiers, they are afraid.

After all, these soldiers are not very powerful. The truly powerful are on the city wall.

"You just look at it like that, do you behave like a turtle?" Xiao Yu looked up at the city wall and said with a sneer.

He doesn't mind killing more people in order to deter the Mu family.

But no matter how many of these people come, they are nothing but cannon fodder.


Finally, the soldiers under the city yelled, and all the soldiers fled back into the city wall, and then closed the city gate.

But Xiao Yu didn't catch up.

Obviously, he was full of confidence and seemed to know that he didn't need to enter the gate with them at all, the gate was just something in his own pocket.

This gesture made the mood of Mu Zin and others on the wall even more gloomy and cold.

This kid is obviously giving them the Mu Family's power!

"Brother Mu Zin, this man... he is coming towards us!"

Someone exclaimed.

It seemed that the person under the city wall was not a person, but a terrifying monster.

After killing more than a thousand people, Xiao Yu's fighting spirit seemed to become more intense.

"Stop him!" Mu Zin's face sank and ordered again.

Countless soldiers began to throw the weapons in their hands.

These weapons either contained spiritual skills, or were blessed by formations, and had good lethality.

Xiao Yu looked up and muttered to herself, "Do you want to consume me? But this is all the next choice."


Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, and he hid on the ground with one foot.

"Zhenlong pile eighteen styles, Longtai printing!"

This time, Xiao Yu didn't have his hand left. The power of a horrible kick fell from the sky, and the golden light appeared especially in this dark night. The power of this kick turned out to be directly on the wall.

"not good!"

Many people's expressions changed drastically, and even Mu Zin was shocked. He hurriedly backed away and shouted, "Run away!"

But those who hadn't reacted yet finally couldn't resist it at all, and were shaken down by this aura from the sky, instantly turning into meat sauce.

Thousands of people were killed immediately on the wall.

Seeing this scene, the people in the city were frightened and shivered.

Of course, Mu Zin pushed into the city. At this time, he swept over the city wall again, looking at the people who had never survived, he was furious--

"Boy, I will kill you!!"


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