Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4454: Protector of the wood fog array (part 1)

Xiao Yu shouted violently, and the golden light on his body began to flash with an astonishing aura.

Immediately afterwards, vaguely, a dragon-shaped prehistoric demon beast suddenly rose up and slammed into the two giant palms.


"Five-clawed golden dragon!?"

As a citizen of a large plane, the Mu family and even the entire family of Nine Heavens World are well-known, so their knowledge is not comparable to those of ordinary small families.

What did they see just now?

The phantom on this guy is a dragon-shaped phantom!

In the world of Nine Heavens, being able to possess the power of the dragon phantom is considered a powerful power technique.

After all, the five-clawed golden dragon clan is one of the four great beasts, and the dragon clan is even the dragon god!

Therefore, ordinary kung fu or moves, as long as they contain the aura of the dragon clan, will be considered extraordinary.

This kid has this kind of breath!

Mu Hong was moved.

But it was seen that Mu Hong's imposingly stacked palms collapsed after being hit by Xiao Yu's aura, turning into a little green light.

Mu Hong's eyes were stunned. After fighting for a long time, he knew very well that in order to really kill this kid, the offensive must be continuous, giving the opponent the greatest possible blow, without giving the opponent a chance to breathe.

An astonishing heavy aura erupted from Mu Hong's body, and his decades of skill turned into a punch and killed him.

Under the little green light curtain, Mu Hong's punch was like a ghost flying in a torrential rain, and suddenly came to Xiao Yu's.

The terrifying energy actually compressed the space into an extreme and heavy state, as if the energy from all directions was pressing here, even a mountain can be penetrated.


Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, this Mu Hong really knew how to fight, and after his next offensive, the second round of offensive came quietly.

But how could Xiao Yu be afraid, he also slammed out with a punch.

With a wild and domineering style of his fist, he burst into bursts with a look of kingly spirit.

The two sturdy punches made both of them back 100 meters.

This time Mu Hong did not take the slightest advantage.


However, Xiao Yu was surprised at the moment of the confrontation, because he felt that the condensing of this Mu Hong's power seemed a bit unexpected.

According to what he knew, Mu Hong was in retreat in order to break through to the Hedao realm.

Looking at it this way, Mu Hong's realm should have been broken not long ago, but this is not like it at all.

Although Mu Hong's boxing style is not simple and atmospheric, it is also very concise. This must be a sign that the realm has stabilized to a certain degree!

"If I guess right, you actually broke through early in the morning. You have been consolidating your cultivation level during this time." Xiao Yu looked at Mu Hong.

Mu Hong's eyes flickered, but he did not speak.

What Xiao Yu said was really the truth, but it was the truth that made his heart feel more uncomfortable, and his murderous intent became more intense.

In fact, he had already made a breakthrough two months ago, but he has been consolidating his cultivation for the past two months.

If he had just broken through to play against this guy two months ago, it would make him feel better if the two were tied.

But this is not the case at all now!

He has completely consolidated the cultivation base of He Dao Realm!

But the opponent can still tie himself!

Xiao Yu ignored it, but took a step and said indifferently: "It seems that I guessed it correctly. In that case, it's better for you to take my punch."


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