Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4460: Thousand stakes

The magic knife array is a combination of the magic array and the killing array.

Xiao Yu merged into the wood mist formation with invisible soul power, forming a state of emptiness and truth, but what the opponent saw was the original wood mist formation. This was the magical array ability of the magic sword formation.

The killing array is the power of these overwhelming souls, unconsciously gathering together, and then giving the enemy a heavy blow.

Because the opponent was using the family formation, Xiao Yu did the same.

In addition, after the Magic Sword Formation came over from Hao Xuan's practice, he did not launch it with all his strength.

This time, with the help of this opportunity, he can make the Magic Blade Array play even close to the level of Rank Six Array.

With a move of Xiao Yu's mind, he shook his hand in the air, and the power of the soul was condensed into a translucent long knife.

Xiao Yu held this long knife in his hand, and the whole person's temperament had undergone tremendous changes.

The power of the soul wins over the invisible, pervasive, and kills in the invisible.

"What a pure soul power!"

The people of the Mu Family in the distance were moved.

As people from the Coffin Continent, they have come into contact with too many soul cultivators, so when they feel the power of the soul, they know its depth.

The power of the soul condensed by Xiao Yu, the kind of aura that radiated, let them know that it was good when they felt it, and it was definitely a deep soul cultivation method.

The speed at which the power of the soul converged was extremely terrifying, and Xiao Yu was immediately beheaded by Xiao Yu.

The cyan rain curtain of thousand silks was split once again, as if an autumn knife broke the water, it was cut in half in an instant.

Qiansi formation was cut in half and then collapsed suddenly, turning into a little green light.

At the same time, the long sword drove straight in, and went straight towards Mu Hong.

The power of the magic knife array was released to the greatest extent at this moment.

Mu Hong's face changed wildly, he had never thought that Xiao Yu's killing formation was so terrifying.

Invisible, it was as if a long knife and sharp blade pierced his heart, causing the hair of Mu Hong's body to explode.

The distance of hundreds of meters is just a blink of an eye.

Or to put it this way, from the moment the magic sword formation began to be released, Mu Hong had already felt the oppression of the soul from all directions.

This kind of oppression, a little carelessness is enough to lose soul!



The Mu Family's complexion changed drastically, this guy is simply too terrifying, this soul power into a sword killing array, it is no disadvantage!

The Thousand Silk Array was already the highest attack form of the Wood Mist Array, but it was cut off like a hair. The last trace of their Mu Family seemed to be shattered.

Facing Xiao Yu's full blow, Mu Hong finally put away his contempt.

His face was heavier than ever, and the smell of death made him feel very uncomfortable.

Although the Wooden Mist Array is a large-scale killing array, Mu Hong knew that at this moment, he still needed to return to his original strength.

Mu Hong took a step, his clothes swelled up, his long hair fluttered, and his astonishing breath suddenly rose into the sky.

"Don't think you can kill me like this! The battle is not over yet!! Thousands of stakes!!"

Mu Hong roared, his hands dragged into the void, and then, a strange scene appeared, the entire kilometer of wooden fog array suddenly began to gather in front of Mu Hong, and immediately formed a wooden wall.

"Boom boom boom!"


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