Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4467: Return to Zhao

The town of Qingmu, which was full of wind and rain, single-handedly broke through the gate of Xiao Yu, then entered the Mu family, and ended after killing Mu Hong.

On the second day, the entire Qingmu Town was blowing up wind and rain. Some people were clapping their hands and cheering, while others were trembling.

The Mu Family of the Coffin Continent, although it is only a sideline family, dare to move the Mu Family, it is equivalent to being an enemy of the Coffin Continent!

Is this person really so bold?

However, they didn't know where the news came from the Mu Family or where they came from. They seemed to have a lot of suspicion about Xiao Yu's identity.

"I heard that the kid is not from the Coffin Mainland."

"It's hard to say, maybe it's the opponents of the Mu family. Although the first family of our coffin continent is the Mu family, this is also a matter of decades! Before, the two families stood apart."

"No? You mean the Duanmu family?"

"Yes, the Duanmu family was originally a mainland native family of the coffin, and the Mu family was still separated from the Duanmu family, but the Mu family slowly grew stronger and surpassed the Duanmu family."

"The separation of the family back then has been for at least one or two hundred years, right?"

"Shhhhhhhhhhh! Be quiet, the Duanmu family is now forced to a corner, and basically won't show up anymore, and there are powerful people in the Mu family behind them. If the Duanmu family dares to move the Mu family, isn't this a death?"

"You think too much. The Mu Family only rescued the mighty one, and then invited the mighty one to leave the enchantment. This is considered a grace. And given the temperament of the Duanmu family, they would not do it. What? If you want to act, you will act long ago."

"Forget it, don't guess so much, the Mu Family clan doesn't know whether we will take care of the place in Qingmu Town!"


Many voices sounded inside the Mu Family, but in the dilapidated house outside the city, there were several figures inside.

"You better let me go, you desperadoes, when my brother finds me, you are dead!!"

There was a roar like a crazy woman from the room.


Luo Feng suddenly slapped it and slapped it, and Mu Wanxin was immediately stunned.

"Smelly lady, shut up quickly! I feel sick when I see your face, don't you know that you are in our hands now?" Luo Feng sighed and said angrily.

This group of people is surprisingly Xiao Yu, Luo Feng, Lu Qiu, Huang Zhe and Qiu Zhang.

After Mu Wanxin was captured by Xiao Yu, she was locked here.

In fact, neither Huang Zhe nor Qiu Zhang knew why Xiao Yu captured this woman.

Lu Qiu looked at this woman, and his heart was full of complexity and resentment.

It is complicated because he and this woman practiced Taoism for two years.

The resentment was because of this woman, her mother was seriously ill, and her talents became flat. Everything was made by this woman.

He has no reason to forgive this woman.

After Mu Wanxin was slapped, she finally realized the situation.

Everyone looked at her with a cold look, and Mu Wanxin's confidence just disappeared.

"Lvqiu, let them let me go! I will definitely not hold you accountable for killing my dad." Mu Wanxin said quickly.

Lu Qiu was indifferent, while Mu Wanxin was pulling on Lu Qiu's trousers, crying in mourning: "Lü Qiu, you thought we were in the same bed for two years..."

"To shut up!"

Luqiu has been enduring it, and finally couldn't help it, and said angrily: "You didn't treat me as a person from the beginning! All your cultivation bases are mine for you! Even if I kill you, I I am worthy of myself!"

Mu Wanxin's face was pale and her face twitched.

"Brother Yu, what are you going to do?" Luo Feng looked at Xiao Yu.

Huang Zhe and Qiu Zhang also looked at Xiao Yu, but only Luqiu had doubts and expectations in their eyes.

Xiao Yu walked to Mu Wanxin's side and looked down at him and said, "Mu Wanxin, you have stolen Luqiu's talent over the years, and you will return to Zhao today!"

After all, Xiao Yu's palm was patted on Mu Wanxin's head.

Mu Wanxin only felt as if something had been stripped off her body, her pupils suddenly shrank.

"Lvqiu, hold your breath and concentrate, and then take your own things well."


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