Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4475: Mu Family First Alchemist

When Xiao Yu heard this, he felt something appalling.

However, if you are careful all the time, this is indeed the characteristic of Burning Fire.

In the lower planes, Guna's ancestors passed by the burning place, and that place was even burned for several years, and then they were changed their bloodline by the burning smell.

In the world of Nine Heavens, in addition to burning fire with such great ability, what other ordinary flames can do this?

Never extinguish, burn the world!

This is Burning Fire!

Xiao Yu's heart was a little ordinary and straight, could it really be burning?

He has been searching for so long, is he about to come into contact with Burning Fire?

But then, he quickly calmed down.

Burning fire may be rare in the world of Nine Heavens, but it is definitely not a real burning.

Huang Zhe once said that after their senior brother went to pick the elixir, his junior brother started to burn it. This is obviously man-made, but has something to do with the Mu family.

Secondly, if Burning Huo were really obtained by the Mu Family, Xiao Yu would not be unable to sense it.

Because when he first came to the Coffin Continent, he felt the burning fire around him, but he couldn't sense the exact direction.

Luo Feng also asked Xiao Yu how he felt about Burning Fire at the time, and he also found it strange, saying: "If it is really the Mu family who got Burning Fire, then it should be a fixed position."

Xiao Yu nodded inconspicuously, and said, "This is indeed very strange, but there is indeed an aura of burning fire on this plane."

Xiao Yu knew that he had not found the wrong direction, but that he needed a more precise location.

"So, does it have something to do with the Mu Family?" Luo Feng was startled.

It can be seen that since Mu Wanxin's incident, he has really developed a disgusting attitude towards Mu Family.

Huang Zhe solemnly said: "Little brother, the Mu family may not have a real Burning fire, but the Mu family is most likely to come into contact with Burning. After all, the Mu family is the first family in the Coffin Continent."

Xiao Yu's heart moved, he suddenly thought of something, and said, "Old Huang, was the alchemist who took the lead in robbing you of your spirit medicine, is of high status?"

Old Huang's eyes drenched and said, "Yes, this person is now the first alchemist in the Coffin Continent, he is a heavenly spirit alchemist!"


Xiao Yu nodded secretly in his heart.

According to normal circumstances, even people who have been in contact with Burning Fire are definitely not ordinary people.

Qiu Zhang was also a little surprised. He was obviously the first time he heard Huang Zhe talk about some of his past.

But he still knew a lot about the name of the first alchemist in the Coffin Continent.

"Are you talking about Mu Teng?"

"Yes, it's him." Huang Zhe nodded, but his eyes were filled with exclamation, and he continued.

"I was 30 years old, and I just arrived in the Earth Spirit Realm, and Mu Teng's realm was only the Human Spirit Realm, but his cultivation level was rapid, and in just ten years, he had reached the Heaven Spirit Realm and became the first in the Coffin Continent. The potential of an alchemist. But at that time, there was also a Tianling alchemist in the Mu family. Mu Teng was not the most powerful. That is, that year, Mu Teng led people out to gather medicine, and my junior came across his poisonous hand that day."

Qiu Zhang said in a puzzled way: "I have also heard of some of his deeds. I heard that his potential was very ordinary. He was unknown in the Mu family. In ten years, his alchemy cultivation base has been advancing by leaps and bounds. After three years, he is already a wooden man. Home, and even the first alchemy master of the Coffin Continent, this matter is praised by the entire Coffin Continent."

"Ten years?" Xiao Yu thoughtfully.


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