Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4478: Duanmu Family (Part 2)

"Okay, let's set off now, Luqiu should have gone back first, we won't say hello to him." Xiao Yu said.

Qiu Zhang and Huang Zhe knew that Xiao Yu's time was urgent, and the Mu family didn't know what to do, so they didn't stop them either.

Xiao Yu saw that Huang Lao and Qiu Zhang wanted to say something, he said, "I am afraid that Luqiu's mother will ask the two elders in the future, so that Luqiu can practice with peace of mind."

Qiu Zhang and Huang Zhe were so smart, they certainly knew what Xiao Yu was talking about.

Xiao Yu didn't say anything, and greeted the two old men and left with Luo Feng.

Watching Xiao Yu and Luo Feng leave, Huang Zhe exclaimed: "Lüqiu really met a nobleman this time."

"It's just that I have a feeling that sooner or later this kid will let the world know."


The night is clear, two figures are heading in a certain direction, one is a pale golden figure, the other is a black shadow.

These two people are Xiao Yu and Luo Feng on the way.

"Unexpectedly, this Duanmu family should have such a tortuous history." Xiao Yu urged the speed of his body technique as he walked, becoming contemplative.

Luo Feng leaned forward and sighed: "Yes, this Duanmu family is also pitiful. It is obviously a native family of the Coffin Continent, but it was driven aside by the rising Mu family. It was so cold-eyed by the Mu family. It's irrational, a collateral family also knows how to rebel."

Xiao Yu shook his head slightly and was silent.

It turned out that the Duanmu family was the first native family in the Coffin Continent.

This family has lived and worked in peace and contentment for generations, and the coffin continent at that time was also open.

The so-called openness is the same as other plane continents, as long as the space transmission channel is opened, it can be transmitted here.

The Coffin Continent used to have many heaven and earth elixir, and even the innate heaven and earth spirit beasts.

Because of the special plane laws of this continent, its natural environment suitable for cultivation has long been established.

As a result, the Coffin Continent is one of the places where many people in the outer plane continent want to come here to experience.

Over time, the elixir of the Coffin Continent, monsters and beasts gradually decreased, and the number of people increased, and the Coffin Continent gradually became mixed.

At this time, the Duanmu family, the largest family in the Coffin Continent, had some suggestions to unite and drive away these foreign invaders.

These tyrannical factions believed that the Coffin Continent belonged to their Duanmu family, and that the things of Duanmu family could not be plundered by outsiders.

At that time, the Coffin Continent was still respected by alchemists, and the Duanmu family had powerful alchemists, so these tyrannical factions suggested that these powerful alchemists should invite the strong to protect the Coffin Continent.

This approach met opposition from the Duanmu clan.

At that time, the Duanmu family also had clans and collateral lines. They disagreed internally. Of course, this matter could not continue.

The next thing is that the bossy and opposition parties within the clan begin to separate their families, and they lead some of the collateral families to live on the other side.

These exodus Duanmu clan removed the word "Duan" and changed to the surname Mu, meaning that they are no longer members of the Duanmu clan. They stand on their own hills and call themselves in the same line. Of course, there is also a suspicion that they want to fight against the Duanmu clan. .

The final situation was that the Mu family, who came out of the division, relied on its decisive and bossy approach to mobilize a large number of masters from the outer planes of the mainland, and rushed to see people.

Because at that time there were many powerful alchemists in the bossy faction, and these alchemists were the capital of the Mu family to build the powerful Mu family.

Later, more and more Duanmu families saw the strength of the Mu family, and at the same time, they were disappointed with the weakness of the Duanmu family, and they left the Duanmu family and joined the Mu family.

In this way, the Duanmu family slowly declined without experiencing war.

At the back, the Duanmu family retreated to one side and still lived a peaceful life.

But hundreds of years have passed, and few people know the Duanmu family anymore.

Because the Duanmu family has fallen into existence that even the third-rate family does not reach.

History will only record the winners, no one will sympathize with the losers and the weak.

"Boy, this time is much safer than going to Tengyuan Continent," Qiong Qi said jokingly.


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