Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4481: Enter Duanmu Family (Part 2)

Luo Feng was a little surprised, but Xiao Yu closed his eyes as if feeling something.

I could only see that from Xiao Yu's body, there was a faint red light gleaming.

Luo Feng was taken aback, but he did not disturb Xiao Yu.

Suddenly, there was a strange trajectory drawn by red energy in Xiao Yu's mind.

This kind of trajectory has mountains, rivers, stars and bright moons, which seem to be connected by red trajectories.

Vaguely, the spiritual power of the world around Xiao Yu suddenly became agitated.

Yes, this is the road map of Burning Fire.

Even when he came around Qingmu Town, Xiao Yu would never have seen such a scene. The reason was simple, because Burning Huo, and even the smell of Burning Huo did not appear in Qingmu Town.

But here is different. This is Baiyueling, Duanmu's family, and Huangzhe's family.

"It really is here."

After a while, the restless atmosphere around Xiao Yu began to calm down, and he also opened his eyes.

"Brother Yu, is there an aura of burning fire in it?" Luo Feng asked.

Xiao Yu nodded, his eyes a little excited.

He has searched for so long, from the lower plane to the larger place, now he finally has a chance to see Burning Fire.

Even if it is not really Burning Huo, it has something to do with Burning Huo!

Xiao Yu and Luo Feng walked forward. When the two guards saw this, they seemed to want to stop Xiao Yu and the others, but Xiao Yu took out the identity jade card given by Huang Zhe.

When the two guards saw this jade medal, their brows suddenly frowned.

"What is this?" Xiao Yu and Luo Feng were startled, they didn't know each other?

"This is the identity jade slip, we know Duanmu Liangxin." Luo Feng said.

When the two guards heard Luo Feng call this name, their faces suddenly sank.

"I don't care who you are, there is no one you are looking for here, go!"

After all, the jade slip was thrown back.

Luo Feng wanted to say something, Xiao Yu pulled him, took a step, clasped his fist and said: "Two troubles, help us pass the word, we are the disciples of Liang Xin's former friend, and we have come to see Patriarch Duanmu specially."

When Xiao Yu said this, the expressions of the two guards improved a little, and they also looked at them seriously.

But the guard on the left still said, "I'm sorry, but there is something wrong with the Patriarch, but no outsiders are seen."

Xiao Yu frowned, they obviously regarded Xiao Yu and Luo Feng as uninvited guests.

Huang Zhe said that this jade medal is the representative of their sect. Duanmu Liangxin in his mouth just now is the name of Huang Zhe’s younger brother.

Duanmu Liangxin was the alchemist of the Duanmu family and the younger brother of the Duanmu Patriarch at that time.

At this moment, the door opened and the 60-year-old black robe old man walked out.

The old man's face was kind and kind, but his eyes were dark green.

"Uncle Long Teacher."

Seeing this old man, the two guards were very respectful.

"Come in." The old man gave Xiao Yu a deep look, then turned around and entered.

Luo Feng and the two guards were taken aback. They obviously didn't expect the old man to come out and relieve them.

"Brother Yu?" Luo Feng looked at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu calmly said: "Let's go."

After entering the house, Xiao Yu and Luo Feng did not speak, because they had been following the old man just now.

"Brother Yu, where is he taking us? And he seems to know us? Could it be that Elder Huang greeted us in advance?" Luo Feng asked in a low voice, with many questions in his mind.

Xiao Yu shook his head and motioned to him not to say that.

The Duanmu family is very big, and the two actually penetrated left and right, and then came to a small courtyard. What is strange is that this small courtyard looks very strange.


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