Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4485: Burning fire induction (below)

Although I already knew that Xiao Yu's life experience was extraordinary, and I already knew that Xiao Yu could interact with the flames of the burning fire inside.

But at this moment, he was still surprised by Xiao Yu's phenomenon.

Luo Feng also exclaimed: "I really don't know what Brother Yu has experienced in the lower planes before. Even the burning fire can be sensed. If I knew him a little earlier, it would be fine. I can go north and south with him."

The old man's face changed, and he said in shock: "What did you say? Lower planes?"

"Yeah, Brother Yu is our academy, it should be said that it is the five major temples, um, no, it is rare in the entire higher plane from the lower plane. Hearing his power alone makes the entire plane It's on the verge of being broken, very powerful!"

The old man was horrified again.

The lower planes are regarded as disdain by the higher planes.

But this person, being able to force the plane barrier to be on the verge of shattering in the lower planes, what does this mean?

It represented the strength of this person at that time, and was already the strongest among the lower planes!

But the old man slowly recovered his calmness soon.

Although the lower planes and the higher planes are different plane laws, these plane laws do not say which is higher or lower, but in terms of power levels, the higher planes are too much stronger.

After all, the Thirty-Six Xiaotian World was the plane continent that the ancient continent was destroyed by the mighty.

And the ancient continent of that year was only a medium existence in the 72nd Heavenly World, how could it be compared with the 72nd Heavenly World?

In addition, after the destruction of the ancient continent, the overall life and power of the 36 continents were reduced to a minimum.

Or to put it this way, even a random higher plane, like the lowest continent like the mainland of Tengzhou, can destroy a lower plane with any one's power.

Of course, this is just based on strength.

After all, people of higher planes cannot easily go to lower planes. Except for the guardians of the planes and the restraint of the power of heaven and earth, people of higher planes will receive the power of laws when they go to the lower planes. Of bondage.

Especially the higher the strength, the stronger the suppression power.

This is whether the laws of higher planes and lower planes are stronger or weaker.

Therefore, in the eyes of the old man, even the strongest in the lower planes, it is necessary to start all over again at the higher planes.

It's just that cultivation depends on talents, chances, and experience of cultivation time.

In the eyes of the old man, this person can achieve such a calm mind, even that kind of posture that the Taishan collapsed in the past, and this must be due to his experience in the lower planes.

Such a person, let's not talk about talent potential, simply because of their xinxing, they are already much better than too many high-level planes.

That kind of temperament and personality charm is extremely rare.

Closer to home.

There was a red light flashing in Xiao Yu's body, and after a while, there was a flame on Xiao Yu's body and it started to burn!

Both Luo Feng and the old man were stunned.

The strangest thing is that these flames still don't have any flame aura fluctuations.

In fact, this was just a kind of flame energy that Xiao Yu borrowed from Burning Fire's road map and blessed himself.

Of course, this kind of energy has no offensive ability. Xiao Yu just wanted to use this kind of aura to let himself enter the barrier safely.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and his whole mind was gathered. Then, without hesitation, he stepped in.

At the same time, an invisible energy turned into the branches of the sky, like countless magic claws, propped up the invisible barrier in front.


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