Shura God Emperor

Chapter 437: Preemptive

When Gu Feng heard this, it was not ecstasy, but a kind of astonishment. He immediately looked at Xiao Yu vigilantly and said, "This sword is so powerful, are you really willing to teach it to me?"

Youth swordsmanship is uneven and very expensive. Even the worst swordsmanship of youth swordsmanship, even if it comes out of the black market, has been rushed by countless people.

Gu Feng's cultivation of the Qing-rank swordsmanship took a lot of effort to obtain, but even so, among the swordsmanship ranks of the same level, it is stronger than those of the noble families and big forces. Those are too inferior.

This is also the reason why Gu Feng has been looking for Qing Pin swordsmanship.

After all, the wolf sword in his hand is one of the five seven-rank treasures of the Southern Territory, and ranks third. He is now short of a good Qing-rank sword skill. At that time, he absolutely believes that among the same level, No one is his opponent.

But then, he knew that the Qing Pin swordsmanship was so expensive, how could this kid just give it to others?

Xiao Yu said: "I don't treat my friends less, and I think your Wolf Underworld sword is also very suitable for practicing Three Swords."

Three swords flow, he himself still has a third sword that hasn't been fully understood, after all, the rank is too high, and the understanding is too difficult.

But it is undeniable that the Three Sword Stream is indeed terrifying, at the same level, it is stronger than the soul-chasing sword for Ruan Yi and the others.

Gu Feng took a deep breath and began to think.

It is undeniable that the young man's potential, character, and strength are all incomprehensible and even make him feel a lot of pressure.

But after he heard the other party's plan, he didn't feel overwhelmed at all in his heart. Instead, he felt that this young man had great courage.

A person who was dismissed by the royal family and even offended the queen was sent to the Southern Territory because he wanted to protect himself and build his own power for the purpose of fighting the royal family. Isn't this a kind of courage?

Especially, he was young, and now he has not only become the number one strong in Feiyun Thirteenth Fort, but also penetrated into the interior, even Hu Wu willingly followed him.

As a Southern Territory, he certainly knows how strong the struggle of forces in the Southern Territory is.

To complete this plan, you must fight the City Lord's Mansion and the black market. Ordinary people simply cannot imagine what will happen.

Gu Feng stared at Xiao Yu and said, "If I cooperate with you, how can you ensure that Han Feiyun is also ours?"

Outside Yangzhou City, the biggest obstacle is Han Feiyun and his wife.

That's right, Gu Feng is not afraid of these two couples, but it doesn't mean that he dared to confront Han Feiyun and the others.

So he wanted to hear what this boy would do next.

Xiao Yu groaned for a moment, his eyes flashed with a sharp glow, and said, "I originally wanted to use the power of Feiyun Thirteenth Fort, but Han Feiyun and Yan Shisan secretly didn't know what they were doing. They should think It’s not good for me, so I have to preemptively."

Gu Feng frowned and said, "I've heard that Han Feiyun and Yan Shisan don't know where to go at this time of year. I tried to track them, but none of them are where. I can tell you that they are both Husband and wife are not easy. If you really want to establish a power outside of Yangzhou City, it is impossible for these two people to submit."

Xiao Yu smiled suddenly: "Looking at your tone, it seems that you agreed to cooperate with me?"

Gu Feng said coldly: "Don't get me wrong, Han Feiyun and I, everyone wants to kill someone, but I don't have this strength. If you have the ability to kill him, then you will have enough power to fight the City Lord's Mansion."

Xiao Yu agreed with this point.

He didn't know how strong Han Feiyun and his wife were at first, and he only wanted to use the power of Feiyun Thirteen Forts. After contacting Han Feiyun and Yan Shisan, he immediately abandoned the idea of ​​cooperating with Han Feiyun and his wife.

The reason is simple. The eyes of the two couples made him feel a kind of mystery and threat. In addition, this time the Shenlong left without seeing the end, which made Xiao Yu even more wanting to get rid of these two serious problems first. , The bandit forces outside Yangzhou City cannot be unified.

Hu Wu suddenly said: "To kill Han Feiyun and his wife, you must first know where Han Feiyun and their whereabouts are and what they are doing. Maybe you can go back to Chu Rui, this guy may know."

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