Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4532: Mu Haohui's defeat

Only saw Mu Haohui pick up the cloth on the table and wipe the blood on his hands.

Where is this place?

It is the Continent of Coffin, a place rich in elixir.

The Mu family is still the largest family in the Coffin Continent, and most of the elixir here belongs to the Mu family.

What's more, Mu Haohui, as the young master of the Maple Blue Region, possesses the elixir of healing wounds, of course, there are countless others.

It was a fracture, for him, it was not a big problem, as long as he swallowed the spirit pill, he could be cured in a few days.

Mu Family's natural self-healing ability, and Mu Haohui is also the number one genius in Maple Blue Domain!

His spiritual power and soul cultivation are outstanding.

"But why..." the short-haired young man asked again.

"Ajian, have you forgotten the purpose of our coming here?" Mu Haohui asked.

Mu Jian thought of something, his eyes flickered, and he said, "I haven't forgotten."

Mu Haohui stood up and glanced at his companion.

These of his are members of the Mu family and his friends.

"You are all selected in your respective towns to be cultivated by your clan, and our vision cannot be limited to our eyes."

"Yes, this kid is really amazing. When I'm sure, he is unlikely to be from the Coffin Continent." Mu Haohui's eyes flickered.


Mu Jian's face changed drastically.

However, they are pure alchemists. Although they have strong perception ability, they have no spiritual power cultivation base after all, nor have they fought against each other. Of course, they did not feel as strong as Mu Haohui.

Mu Haohui narrowed his eyes and said, "His spiritual power can mobilize such a huge and profound power just before he changes his mind. If I guess it is correct, his method of vomiting and receiving must be very profound."

"Also, he can see through my long shadow steps, proving that his six sense perception is not below me." Mu Haohui said.

Mu Jian and the others immediately took a deep breath. They only realized that the other party seemed to be exactly what Mu Haohui had said when they remembered it carefully!

The other party's bearing is extraordinary, no less than theirs.

The courage to come forward, the determination to dare to face the Mu Family.

The most important thing is to put Mu Haohui in a state of disadvantage with the cultivation of the virtual spirit realm.

"The long shadow step is a very deep existence in our Mu family's earth-level body magical magic. The teacher said that people who come into contact for the first time are easily confused by it, and it is not easy to spot it at all." The young man groaned and said.

Mu Haohui nodded and said: "Yes, so I guess this person is very likely to be a soul cultivator, so his insight will be so outstanding."

"Soul cultivator!" The eyes of several people flickered slightly.

In the Coffin Continent, soul cultivators are naturally not surprising at all, and they are quite common.

The key is that this person is a double repairer, and he is still in Duanmu's house.

"What is Bai Yueling going to do? Did they invite this person?"

"Isn't it possible? The Coffin Continent has a pass, except for the Duanmu clan, only our Mu family has it."

"Could it be someone from a certain family who accepted the benefits and let them in?"

"It's not impossible. After all, there are many collateral families, and it's normal for them to be uneven."

"will not."

While everyone was discussing like this, Mu Haohui suddenly spoke.

Mu Haohui's eyes narrowed and said: "I noticed their reaction just now. If I guessed it right, they wouldn't know this person too well, but one thing I thought of was that the scene had burned for forty years. Flames."

"Burning fire!?"


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