Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4540: Bad comer

Headed by Duanmu Mingshan, there is Duanmu chess next to it, and some elder masters in the Duanmu family, with more than 20 people inside.

In front of them was a well, which was only as big as the arms of three people.

At this time, the moon was shining in the sky, and a touch of silver light fell. Vaguely, you could see a little bit of silver light falling inside the well head, which looked more crystal clear.

This is the fifteenth of every month, the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon will condense in this well.

At this time, at most, the elder masters in the clan will lead a few people to take the essence, but this time it is completely different.

Duanmu Mingshan's eyes were very solemn, and they were facing the direction of Baiyue Town.

The second level is the place one kilometer away from them, and the first level is the place a few kilometers ahead.

Although there are only a few kilometers, they know that these kilometers are not a distance at all for a strong master.

At this time, thousands of meters away.

At the first level, there were a dozen guards from the Duanmu family. These guards were shocked to see the arrival of a dozen or twenty people away.

Headed by Mu Haohui, next to him was Mu Guanyong, the captain of the guard from Fenglanyu, and dozens of Fenglanyu masters.

"Stop! What the **** are you doing!?" The guard headed shouted.

The dozen or so guards were immediately photographed in a row, staring at Mu Haohui and the others.

Of course, the entire Duanmu family knew of Mu Haohui's arrival.

And in the daytime, Duanmu Mingshan and the others had asked them to guard against the barrier here, and then they went to the Baiyuejing place.

To be honest, they were shocked, because the Patriarch would not be dispatched for this kind of essence-taking, and it would still come around the hour.

But this time it was Duanmu Mingshan leading the team, and he went to guard Baiyuejing half a day in advance. Needless to say, they all knew that something must have happened.

Sure enough, it was Mu Haohui and the others!

And at this moment, two figures swept over, passed by Mu Haohui and the others, and then came to the front of these guards. It was the middle-aged person who was patrolling just now and Duan Mubin.

But Mu Haohui and Mu Guanyong didn't care at all.

"Mu Haohui! This is the important place of our family, please stay here!" the middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

Mu Haohui said indifferently: "I heard that there is a magical thing at the end of Baiyue Town, that is, at the end of Baiyueling. We came here to see if it is really as strange as the rumors."

The complexion of the middle-aged and Duanmu family changed drastically, and it turned out that the visitors were not good!

They are here for the essence of Baiyuejing!

The middle-aged man's face sank and said: "Mu Haohui, I said, this is the important place of my family, please come back."

Mu Haohui's eyes flashed with disdain, and he said faintly: "I want everyone to have the same blood. You can speak well if you have something to do. If you just want to stop, we will be welcome."

The middle-aged man's face became even heavier. What he couldn't think of was that Mu Haohui had revealed his true shape so quickly.

But in any case, they are members of the Duanmu family, and they naturally want to guard the things of the Duanmu family. Although the family has already prepared, they are the first hurdle.

"If you want to break through, you must pass our level first!"


"Do it!"


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