Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4551: Duanmu Mingshan defeated

In Luo Feng's surprise, the two sides were already fighting fiercely.

"Keng Keng!"

The two green wood swords kept touching each other, and they continued to stir up amazing ripples.

These ripples oscillated out, and even within a radius of 800 meters, a sharp and powerful breath of wood attribute life was formed.

Of course, people on both sides know that if they walk into this circle of war, they will be affected, and a pure spirit realm will instantly die.

This is the state of Hedao, the degree of control over the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

This is not comparable to the Three Spirit Realm.

The Three Spirits realm is only a preliminary control over the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth, and when it comes to the Hedao realm, it is the true unity of mind and spirit, achieving a qualitative leap.

Of course, in the long process of cultivation, as the understanding of the Great Dao deepens, the kind of control and motivation over the spiritual power of heaven and earth is constantly improving.

At a higher realm, such as that of the Divine Soul Realm, five directions and ten places, even all the spiritual power of heaven and earth in a region can be activated.

Yes, this is a long process.

Therefore, starting from the Harmony Realm is actually a fresh start, one that starts with the unity of mind and spirit, and then continuously enhances a degree of spiritual sensitivity to a larger range of heaven and earth.

Otherwise, how can there be a mighty person who can walk freely in space turns and space channels, and how can one say that a mighty person can control the power of a plane's law?

This is actually the same as the law of comprehension

With the improvement of the realm, all the understanding of the body, the sky, the earth, the mind and so on will be improved.

Closer to home.

The battle between Duanmu Mingshan and Mu Guanyong soon fought for more than a dozen rounds.

Mu Guanyong's green wood sword contained more of a bitter killer move, while Duanmu Mingshan was soft with a softness.

Duanmu Zelin and others watched the battle in the field nervously while supporting Duanmu chess.

"This is the first time I have seen the Patriarch refining the Qingmu sword to fight, and it's a deadly battle when it comes up." A man from the Duanmu family said with a touch of emotion.

But Duanmu Zelin was extremely worried, and said: "After all, we Baiyueling have cultivated health for so many years. If we hadn't been forced to this point, the Patriarch would never use the Green Wood Sword."

"But I'm afraid that Mu Guanyong is a deadly ultimate move..."

When this Duanmu family's voice fell, suddenly, a "bang" exploded in the field, and Duanmu Mingshan's Qingmu sword "kang" was broken.


Duanmu Mingshan's pupils shrank, and soon Mu Guanyong killed him with a sword, and Duanmu Zelin and the others were shocked.



Duanmu Mingshan's chest was immediately cut out with a sword mark one inch deep and one foot long, and Duanmu Mingshan immediately retreated.

"Lost." Xiao Yu shook his head slightly.

Luo Feng was a little stunned. He really didn't expect that Duanmu Mingshan would really lose!

The two sides are almost evenly matched on the strength of the book!

The expressions of Mu Haohui and others suddenly showed a look of disdain, this kind of result was obviously expected by them.

"Hehe, cowardly family, Duanmu Mingshan, I am really ashamed of my ancestors, you are really too embarrassing for us, you are injured now, do you still have the fighting power? In a acquaintance, you are letting, Or don't let it!?"


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