Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4562: Hurry and kill!

Duanmuqi's face suddenly changed, and he was shocked: "If they are really killed, then we Baiyueling will definitely suffer the anger of Fenglanyu!"

Everyone changed their colors.

The Maple Land is a huge area, and it is one of the areas valued by the Mu family clan.

This time, the five alchemy geniuses recommended to go to the Mu family clan are all selected, and they are the most talented people in Fenglan Domain.

Especially that Mu Haohui, the young master of the Maple Blue Domain, and the genius of double cultivation, his soul talent even reached the level of heaven.

If they were killed, Fenglanyu and Mujia clan would definitely be furious!

"Little brother, don't!" Duanmuqi hurriedly shouted, dragging Xuru's body.

And Xiao Yu seemed to have heard Duanmuqi's shouts, stopped for a moment, turned his head slightly, and said: "Cut the grass and roots, they have achieved this level, what else do you have to remember? What's more, they provoke me. First, there is no way to survive."

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu kept walking, and Mu Haohui and the others were scared to numb.

"Young Master Hui, what should I do?"

"He will kill us!"

At this time, Mu Jian and other men and women finally felt a kind of fear.

They are the simplest alchemists, and they are not capable of fighting.

Now all the guards have been killed, and they are left alone, and they can be said to be powerless!

Even if the flames can attack, they haven't really alchemy for the powerful masters, and they don't have enough powerful flames.

And they don’t have any scrolls of attack formation, because their trip will not be dangerous at all. Who knows they have encountered such a variable!

Mu Haohui's eyes were still calm, and he said: "Boy, are you really going to be my enemy of Maple Blue Domain? If you let us go, I can't hold them accountable for you to kill them!!"

"Now it's not you who will pursue me, it's me who will pursue you. Do you think I will believe you? Will you let you go back?" Xiao Yu's eyes became more murderous.

"This is what you forced me!"

Mu Haohui's eyes drenched, they all knew, this man was going to kill him!

Immediately afterwards, Mu Haohui no longer hesitated. He grabbed the jade pendant on his neck and pulled it abruptly. Then a terrifying green light burst apart, forming a huge green-green chain in the air. , Waved towards Xiao Yu.

This is Mu Haohui’s self-defense gem, which contains unusually terrifying energy. It is a one-time gem. It can be killed instantly even if it is used once, even in the realm of the Dao. This is the self-defense given to him by Mu Haohui’s father. Sharp weapon.

When everyone felt the green iron chain, they all gasped.

Xiao Yu obviously also noticed the power of this iron chain.

However, what no one knows is him, his Asura Art cultivation level is much stronger than Long Tunqi.

Coupled with the urging of the power of Shura, Xiao Yu has a level of cultivation that almost exceeds the level of the Dao Realm. This is his greatest strength.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu's eyes were stunned, and immediately afterwards, there was no aura of fluctuations at all, and the substantive Shura knife in his hand was slashed in the air.


Facing this horror, even feeling that even the mountain could be destroyed by the iron chain, Xiao Yu cut out without hesitation.


The iron chain was cut to pieces by Xiao Yu in an instant, and the **** light suddenly exploded. It seemed extremely overbearing and terrifying.

And you know, the green iron chain just now is here for the powerhouse in the late stage of the Hedao Realm, and if you don't die, you have to peel off!

"how is this possible!?"


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