Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4567: Take responsibility on yourself

Seeing the essence of Baiyue Well in front of him, which was like a swath of lake water, Xiao Yu's heart began to shake.

"This is what the predecessors said, it can help me regain some of the power of Burning Fire!" Xiao Yu was a little surprised.

"Brother Yu!"

Luo Feng also came over. Although Xiao Yu's attitude just now made him a little strange, but with his familiarity with Xiao Yu's breath, he knew that Xiao Yu was not the kind of person who was very powerful in killing. It must have been the effect of the secret method just now that gave people this feeling.

Luo Feng also looked at the essence of Baiyuejing that was like the essence of condensing moonlight, and said in surprise: "This is the essence that can improve the realm of the soul?"


Duanmu Mingshan and the others also came over, and what they said just now was Duanmu Mingshan.

Everyone in the Duanmu family saw Xiao Yu's eyes with a strange change.

They remembered Xiao Yu's attitude when he first confronted them in the lobby and discussed the Duanmu family's behavior.

"I must teach the Mu Family a lesson..."

"I will definitely give you an explanation..."

How vivid these words are, but how could they have thought that this was actually from the hands of such a kid with only a virtual spirit realm.

But he really did it!

It is to condense the strength of their entire Duanmu family, which is impossible to achieve this level!

So, they actually know it well, maybe they can choose to believe this young man, because they know very well in their hearts that they have no retreat.

Duanmuqi's eyes flickered, he was still being supported by his tribe, and said: "Little brother, what you said before..."

"What I said still counts, but my conditions remain the same." Xiao Yu scanned the Duanmu family.

His eyes didn't change too much, the attitude that didn't have any greed, but was full of confidence and calmness, made them look at this young man more and more.

Duanmu Mingshan sighed and lowered his head slightly and said: "Please forgive us who were careful at the beginning. After all, the essence of the sun and the moon is the foundation of my Duanmu family's cultivation of children, and..."

"Patriarch Duanmu doesn't have to say much, I know it. Anyone who sees a virtual spirit realm can't completely believe what he said. But the only thing I can tell you is that I still remember that I went into the room where Senior Liang Xin The house?"

"Actually, I communicated with Fenhuo's consciousness. If I want to teach the Mu Family a lesson, I must use the power of these essences."

Duanmu Mingshan and others looked moved.

Communicate with Burning's consciousness?

No wonder he can come out safe and sound!

They certainly didn't know what effect this sun and moon essence had on Xiao Yu, even Luo Feng didn't even know.

But the only thing they could imagine was that they could save themselves, perhaps only Xiao Yu.

Don't say whether to teach the Mu Family a lesson, after all, the person they have to face is Mu Teng, the first alchemist in the Coffin Continent!

Simply killing the Fenglanyu people, they already felt it was difficult to deal with the aftermath.

Xiao Yu looked at the way they were hesitant to speak, and glanced at the people in Fenglan Domain who had turned into corpses from the corner of his eyes. The collar will not cause trouble to the upper body."

"Brother Yu!?" Luo Feng was stunned.

Duanmu Mingshan and others were even more astonished.


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