Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4569: Unusual abilities

The elder masters of the Duanmu family were all stunned and couldn't help looking at Xiao Yu in shock.

"Little brother, what are you talking about? What curse, what seal?"

They knew that Xiao Yu was extraordinary, and that Xiao Yu was not an ordinary person, especially Duanmu chess. Only he knew that Xiao Yu was from Cangling Academy.

Therefore, Duanmuqi knew that Xiao Yu must have his own reason to say this.

But even Luo Feng was taken aback, as if he didn't understand what Xiao Yu was talking about.

Xiao Yu glanced at their reactions, frowning slightly, don't they really know?

"I don't know if you feel it. I can feel it from within the scope of the white moon collar. The heavens and the earth here are very rich, even extremely pure, and even... a bit too much." Xiao Yu said truthfully. .

Duanmu Mingshan and others wrinkled their brows. Obviously, they didn't understand why Xiao Yu had such a strange problem, and even said something cursing the seal.

Heaven and Earth are full of spiritual power, because here is the white moon collar, where the Duanmu family's sideline family has rooted for thousands of years.

In addition, the Coffin Continent is famous for its elixir, and it is full of the spiritual power aura of the elixir. Such a cycle, containing mountains and rivers, and outstanding people, is of course not comparable to the continents outside the Coffin Continent.

So how could it become a strange place in this population?

Shouldn't it be a good thing?

Xiao Yu explained: "I mean, the spiritual power of heaven and earth here is more like...contains some kind of strange energy in it."

Seeing their puzzled expressions, Xiao Yu pondered for a while, and said, "I wonder if you feel any strange things, such as fighting, or within a hundred miles of the white moon collar, what will happen to the power in your body? Has it changed?"

One of the elders frowned and said: "We have been like this for decades, and there is nothing weird about it."

"Yes, the spiritual power of heaven and earth here has been nurturing our family's children for many years, and we don't feel any difference."

Suddenly, the elder Duanmu Zelin suddenly said: "If you say that, I feel a little bit."

Everyone looked at Duanmu Zelin.

"When we were young, we went out for more experience, and we met many wicked people. When I was fighting with them, I found out that although we are of the same level, at the beginning we relied on the blood of our family and the white moon collar. The power of heaven and earth will make my foundation stronger than them."

"But it is strange that this advantage will gradually be lost as the fighting time continues to lengthen, and even make me quickly consume my own strength, even my sensitivity to the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth has become extremely weak."

With that said, Duanmuqi was also a little stunned and weakly said: "The great elder said so, and I also have the impression that I went to the clan to do business, and met a group of casual cultivators on the way. My realm is higher than them. It's not difficult, but when the battle continued until later, he found that he was a little bit powerless. That day I struggled with my injuries to reach the clan, which was extremely thrilling."

The rest of the Duanmu family were a little surprised, but they didn't expect Duanmu Zelin and Duanmuqi to have such an encounter.

At this time, Duanmu Mingshan's eyes hesitated, as if he was thinking about something, silent.

Xiao Yu caught it and asked, "Patriarch Duanmu, did you think of something?"


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