Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4571: The veins of the earth (below)

Duanmu Mingshan suddenly lowered his head silently.

Luo Feng leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Brother Yu, what is this earth vein? They seem to be nervous?"

Xiao Yu explained: "You can understand it as the spiritual spring eye of a family power. The spiritual spring eye is the foundation that breeds a family power for generations. The heaven and earth spiritual power of the Nine Heavens World is the gathering of heaven and earth spiritual power released by countless spiritual spring eyes. A world of success."

Luo Feng suddenly realized it, and said: "I understand, it's like an eye. If someone is spied on, if there is evil intentions, this family's hundreds or even thousands of years of foundation will be destroyed because of this."

Xiao Yu nodded in agreement, but his eyes were still looking at Duanmu Mingshan and the others.

He can understand Duanmu Mingshan's hesitation.

This is a bit similar to completely opening up one's soul consciousness and allowing others to enter into one's own consciousness. This is very dangerous.

As long as you have a little thought to attack your own consciousness, or snoop into the secrets of your own consciousness, then your physical and mental danger will always be in a dangerous situation.

For the most part, it will be destroyed!

If it is the Duanmu family, then it is the possibility of annihilation!

To a certain extent, although Xiao Yu helped them solve the obstacles in their hearts that have been difficult to break through, this is something that involves the children of the family for generations! How can it be childish?

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "To be honest, your Duanmu family's affairs really have nothing to do with me. As for the curse and other things I said, you can find out on your own. The essence of the sun and the moon I want has already been obtained. , I will personally go to the Mu family clan next time."

"As for Mu Haohui and their corpses, I still said that. You can completely separate the relationship with me, and then you can send people back to Fenglanyu, so that you can dispel Fenglanyu's suspicion of you."

When Xiao Yu said, no matter it was Duanmu Mingshan, or Duanmuqi and others, all were moved.

This young man not only helped them, but was also willing to carry the title of being wanted and hunted down by Fenglan Domain. This is a wholeheartedly helping them Bai Yueling!

But they wondered if this person was going to seek something from their white moon collar!

This makes them feel ashamed.

"Luo Feng, we are ready to set off." Xiao Yu called out, turning around and Luo Feng was about to leave.

"and many more!"

Duanmuqi's weak voice sounded.

Xiao Yu turned his head and looked at Duanmu chess strangely.

To be honest, Xiao Yu was already responsible enough for this.

To say that the only thing that was not good was to kill Mu Haohui and the others, which would bring some unnecessary trouble to Bai Yueling.

Of course, from another angle, if Xiao Yu didn't make a move, the dead person would be Duanmu Mingshan, which was even more terrifying to the blow of the white moon-collar.

Therefore, Xiao Yu clearly knew that he did not owe the Duanmu family. He wanted the essence of the sun and the moon. Although it was to retrieve the part of the flame from the burning fire, he also helped the Duanmu family invisibly breathe out.

Therefore, it was the choice of the Duanmu family just now, Xiao Yu would not, and there is no reason to blame them.

"Mingshan, when the family is alive and dead, we shouldn't be complacent. Isn't the lessons that our Duanmu family has learned enough for so many years?" Duanmuqi said condensedly. He was agitated, and when he was agitated, his injury was aggravated and his face turned pale. stand up.

"Sanshu..." Duanmu Mingshan's eyes were filled with hesitation, his fists clenched.

The eyes of the elders of the other Duanmu clan were sad.

Yes, they have been guarding the ancient ancestors for too long. In the end, what kind of situation is the family now?

The family's children are timid, timid, and dare not resist, this is basically a cowardly performance!

If this continues, the family will only die!

"Okay! I'll take you there!"


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