Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4586: Mutanquan

When they heard the three words Mu Tanquan, Duanmuqi and Duanmu Zelin were moved.

Of course, they quickly recovered a kind of calm.

Xiao Yu stopped and looked at Duanmu Mingshan curiously.

He saw the decision in Duanmu Mingshan's eyes.

"Mu Tanquan? Is it your white moon-collar's clan guardian formation, which gathers the life force of a hundred miles into a pool?" Luo Feng immediately asked strangely.

Luo Feng is more active, and Xiao Yu also relies on him to help him find out the news.

Of course, this Mutan Spring was of course not from the people in Baiyue Town, but Luo Feng secretly heard it from the children of the Duanmu family.

Therefore, Duanmu Mingshan and the three of them all looked at Luo Feng in surprise, and the latter smiled and said, "I overheard what your people said by accident."

That's it!

Duanmu Mingshan and others shook their heads secretly, they didn't care much.

They thought they knew very well that Xiao Yu possessed such abnormal rice and fighting power, and that he was still innate life spirit body. It would be easy to destroy their Duanmu family, not to mention Bai Yueling.

But the other party did not.

Therefore, the secret of Bai Yueling was known to them, and the secret of Mutanquan was not a secret.

"Going into Mutanquan to retreat once is equivalent to half a year outside." Duanmu Mingshan said.

Although he said so, the eyes of Duanmuqi and Duanmu Zelin were slightly hesitant.

Xiao Yu looked in his eyes and said, "Why should the patriarch Duanmu pay such a high price? Although I don't know what kind of thing you Mutanquan is, I still know that this formation should be the spirit gathering formation."

"Mutan Spring is the place where the patriarch has been retreating. It has absorbed the spiritual power of the entire coffin continent for thousands of years, so you don't have to worry about absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth that is affected by the taboo secret method." Duanmu Mingshan said, After pondering for a while, there seemed to be nothing to say.

He seemed to be afraid that Xiao Yu would not accept it because of this.

After all, the entire White Moon-collar's heaven and earth spiritual power had escaped from the earth veins, and the children of the Duanmu family bloodline had already experienced more or less side effects.

In their opinion, although Xiao Yu is not a child of their Duanmu family, and does not have the blood of the Duanmu family, the opponent is always innate life spirit!

Therefore, it is normal to worry that you will be affected by these taboo secrets.

How did Duanmu Mingshan know that Xiao Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "Patriarch Duanmu, I am not worried about this. What I want to say is that Mutanquan's spirit gathering formation method can't be used casually. Right?"

Xiao Yu immediately glanced at the silent Duanmu chess and Duanmu Zelin. From the reaction of the two of them, he could already guess something.

Luo Feng is not stupid, but instead he considered for Xiao Yu and excitedly said: "Brother Yu, what are you doing so much? You are equivalent to accepting the task and then receiving rewards! Maybe it can help you break through to the pure spirit realm. !"

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes, this guy is not kind anymore!

Of course I know this!

But now Baiyueling is now waiting to be thriving, with internal and external troubles, and now he has given himself all the benefits of Mutanquan. Isn't this worse?

In fact, Xiao Yu knew very well in his heart that since it was a retreat for the patriarchs of the past generations, entering once is equivalent to half a year!

What a huge temptation this is?

It must be a lie to say that you are totally unimpressed.

But isn't this the same as taking advantage of the fire?

"Little brother, since Mingshan said that, he must have considered it carefully. If you are willing to go with me to the clan to find out, we will not object." Duanmuqi's eyes were full of desire.

"Yes, we also agree." Duan Mu Zelin also took a deep breath and stared at Xiao Yu.


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