Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4593: Mu Zhong (Part 1)

Duanmu Mingshan does not need much energy to urge this formation, but it needs to be maintained for a long time, so that the richness can reach its peak.

It can be seen that on the entire pool spring, there is a strong and substantial energy hovering in the sky, which is extremely strange.

This rich turquoise energy, even the figure of Xiao Yu in it, could not be seen, it was very strange.

Duanmu Mingshan and Duanmuqi certainly did not intend to leave.

After all, they were worried in their hearts, no matter what, they had to guard against the people in Fenglan Domain.

Although the corpse had already been sent back, and the spear was still on Xiao Yu's body at the same time, in the end, no one knew what would happen to Fenglan Domain.

If the domain owner of the Maple Blue Domain really came, then Duanmu Family would definitely not be able to support it.

Time passed by one minute after another, and after one day passed, the energy inside began to vibrate, and countless turquoise energy began to sweep through.

"Breakthrough!!" Luo Feng also opened his eyes immediately and watched this scene in surprise.

Yes, Duanmu Mingshan was also surprised.

Break through in one day?

Late virtual spirit realm!

What they didn't know was that the greedy absorption of life and spiritual power gave Xiao Yu great benefits.

This kind of life spirit power not only contains his entire physical body, but also acts on all his practice secrets at the same time.

Many forces in the world are common, and whether it is the Shura tactic, or the martial art line, or the dragon swallowing qi, the dragon stabilizing stake, all exist depending on the existence of the flesh.

The continuous breakthrough of the physical body and the constant approach to the laws of the world, of course, will raise one's own understanding of all the secrets of the exercises to a higher level.

This is the so-called move the whole body.

However, on the second day, a hurried, pale figure broke their silence. It was no one who came, it was Duanmujin!

Duanmujin's face was extremely pale, he came to the underground riverbed, saw Duanmu Mingshan and Duanmuqi, and his lips trembled in horror.

"Elder Jin, what's the matter?" Duanmu Mingshan saw something wrong, his heart sank slightly, he seemed to know what had happened.

"Mu Zhong... he, he brought someone here..."


Duanmuqi also suddenly opened his eyes from the healing, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Duanmu Mingshan's eyes flickered, and his heart sank to the bottom again.

Yes, the thing they most reluctant to see finally happened, and it came so quickly.

"The Great Elder was seriously injured by him... he said that he would see you in person..." Duan Mujin shuddered when he thought of Mu Zhong's methods.

Luo Feng in the corner was also awakened by the gloomy mood of the three of them. He took a deep breath and glanced at the hemispherical Mutan Spring that was still like a green cocoon.

"Unexpectedly, he came in person..."

Mu Zhong, the domain master of the five cities of Maple Blue Region!

A master who has surpassed the Hedao Realm and reached the "Huayu Realm"!

Duanmu Mingshan's eyes showed an expression of going to death, and he solemnly said: "It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse, but Mu Zhong is looking for someone to pay for my life. I must stand out."

"Patriarch, no!" Duan Mujin's face changed wildly.

The group of people came fiercely, with amazing aura and murderous aura. Mu Zhong also made it clear that he was looking for someone to worship Mu Haohui, who was killed. Duan Mu Mingshan was also looking for death!

"Dying for the family, what is there to fear! Do you still want to be a turtle?"

Duanmu Mingshan waved his hand and got up to go up.

"Uncle San, you stay here."

Leaving this sentence, Duanmu Mingshan turned around resolutely and left.


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