Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4611: Withdraw temporarily (top)

When all the dust dissipated, the gust of wind was still whistling gently, finally revealing two figures in the middle of the ruins.

Xiao Yu only saw that Xiao Yu moved back three meters from his previous position. Obviously, the impact just now caused him a slight disadvantage.

And looking at Mu Zhong again, he was still standing on the ground, motionless, just a little more wrinkles on his clothes.

Yes, Xiao Yu was at a disadvantage when the two green wood swords collided.

"The domain owner is great!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the maple blue domain in the distance suddenly cheered.

"I said the Patriarch will definitely not lose."

"Stupid? It's nothing more than a pure-spirited kid, even if he learns the Azure Wood Sword stealthily? The Patriarch is Huayu Realm! He just doesn't take it seriously."

"Huh! I really lost the face of my ancestors. Even the Green Wood Sword was taught to outsiders. I will definitely participate in them at the annual meeting!"

Everyone in Mapleland was disdainful and sneered.

Duanmu Mingshan and others watched the scene in shock.

Although they didn't think Xiao Yu could have the upper hand, they never thought that Xiao Yu could meet Mu Zhong to such a point.

Of course, for Duanmu Mingshan himself, it is impossible for him to achieve such a situation.

Therefore, he was even more worried about what Mu Zhong would do to deal with Xiao Yu in the next battle.

However, how did they know that Mu Zhong's heart was already surging, and his eyes flickered in surprise.

"This kid has a very vast power in his body, this is life spiritual power!"

"Who the **** is he, how could he be Aomu Sword!"

"He obviously didn't use his full strength. He tried to test me just now."

Mu Zhong's mind was spinning fast.

He is the domain master of the Maple Blue Territory, and of course his sensitivity to life spirit is stronger than that of his people.

He knew the curse of the Earth Vein Spirit of the Duanmu Family, which was the forbidden secret method.

But what he didn't expect was that this kid knew this too!

This is very scary.

According to what Mu Zhong knew, this secret of the Duanmu family was only known to the clan, but according to their eye online report, this matter was unknown to the collateral family and would never be said.

Because once the words are spoken, the Duanmu family is likely to unite.

If all the Duanmu family figures are united by then, this will be a threat to the Mu family.

The so-called bad boat also has a three-point nail, Mu Zhong thinks more about the overall situation.

For all these reasons, Mu Zhong, who was cautious by nature, had a temporary retreat.

"Domain owner."

At this moment, a figure swept up and said something in Mu Zhong's ear.

Mu Zhong's expression relaxed, the indifferent expression seemed particularly rich, of course, there was still a cold light in the depths of his eyes, a cold light towards Xiao Yu.

"Boy, I will let you go for a while today."

Immediately looking at Duanmu Mingshan, he said solemnly: "Duanmu Mingshan, in the future, I will be on your white moon collar again, then, I want you to obediently offer what I want! Go!"

Duanmu's family was shocked, Feng Lanyu would leave?

What did that person say in Mu Zhong's ear just now?

Even Xiao Yu's eyes fluctuated slightly, which was a little unclear.

After all, he had planned that even if he couldn't beat Mu Zhong, he would use Shura's power to fight the opponent, after all, that was the last resort.

But the other party left.

Mu Zhong took two steps, turned around, looked at Xiao Yu, intentionally or unconsciously: "Boy, you are very talented, since you stand up for them, I think we will meet again at the annual meeting."

After all, Mu Zhong just left.

Xiao Yu was puzzled, annual meeting? The annual meeting of the Duanmu clan?


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