Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4613: Muzhong's City House

Perhaps they had always had too much confidence in Mu Zhong just now, so they selectively ignored a little problem, just like the power and terror of the young man just now.

In the final encounter with the Aoki sword, Mu Zhong indeed had the upper hand.

But think about it, what level is Muzhong?

Huayu Realm!

Can the Pure Spirit Realm be compared with the Huayu Realm?

the answer is negative.

"If you think about it carefully, this kid is not at a high level, but in his body, it seems that there is endless energy, which is directly stimulating the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and it is impossible to have this power."

"Yes, the activation of heaven and earth spiritual power is based on the realm. Unless it is some kind of burning cultivation base, bloodline and other secret methods, it will mobilize more heaven and earth spiritual power on a large scale, but just now Obviously there are not many fluctuations in the spiritual power of heaven and earth."

"Meaning, he has a very powerful force in his body, and it is still purer than our blood!"

After all, Fenglanyu people still have a few of the strengths of the Hedao Realm. After they calmed down, they understood Mu Zhong's scruples.

Mu Zhong said solemnly: "You are right, this kid is not simple, he is not from the Duanmu family, but the vitality of his body is not much inferior to the master of the clan."

"And you have to know that sooner or later Baiyueling will belong to us, and Baiyuejing will only be there temporarily."

Many people's eyes lit up and they were pleasantly surprised: "Domain's meaning is to solve that kid at the annual meeting? Even if he is great, there will be people from the clan to help us!"

"Not bad!" Mu Zhong's eyes flickered.

But someone else said in doubt: "But how does the domain owner know that this kid will definitely meet last year? After all, he is not from our Duanmu family."

Binggui's eyes flickered, and he said, "Have you forgotten what the kid said?"

The group frowned, and suddenly, someone exclaimed: "The spirit of the veins! This kid knows the secret that they don't know about Duanmu Mingshan!"

"Yes, since he knows the spirit of the earth veins, he also has such a strong life spirit, and he also knows the green wood sword, I think he must have reached some kind of agreement with Bai Yueling." Bing Gui said.

"Bai Yueling will definitely ask this kid's clan!"

They finally understood Mu Zhong's purpose for doing this, and they immediately admired Mu Zhong in their hearts.

Mu Zhong's eyes flickered, and he sneered: "And you probably don't know yet, I'm afraid this year's annual meeting will be a bit different."

After all, Mu Zhong just told the news he got from the clan.

Everyone's eyes lit up after listening.

"This feeling is good! This time, not only can you take revenge, you can even speed up the demise of the Duanmu family!"

Mu Zhong grinned: "No one can get any benefit from me!!"


Although Mu Zhong could pat his **** and leave, he left a mess for the Duanmu family.

Just because Xiao Yu just mentioned the taboo secret method of the Earth Vein Spirit, the entire Duanmu family fell into a panic.

However, this matter is reserved for the elder the day before yesterday to explain, Xiao Yu and Luo Feng, Duanmu Mingshan, Duanmuqi, and Duanmu Zelin are all above the hall.

At this time the atmosphere seemed very heavy.

Naturally, it was because all the children of the Duanmu family knew about the taboo secret law.

The second is what Mu Zhong and his party will face after they leave.

"This Mu Zhong deserves to be the domain master of Maple Blue Domain." Finally, Xiao Yu had to exclaim.


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