Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4616: Go to the Duanmu Family Clan (Part 2)

Xiao Yu still found a place to cultivate himself, but in order not to let people know his secret, he still found a tree crown that was hundreds of meters long, and then entered the second world space.

At this moment, it seemed that Xiao Yu had sensed the spirit of life that had escaped intentionally or unintentionally, and that was the origin of the tree began to flash with green light.

"It seems you have sensed it too!" Xiao Yu said with a smile.

The Yuan Ling Tree is the sprouting of the Yuan Lingzi, which can purify the spiritual power of the world and the purest change of energy for Xiao Yu to absorb.

Coupled with the elapsed speed of the Second World space ten times that of the outside world, under this dual effect, Xiao Yu's cultivation speed can be described as terror.

Of course, there is another point that Xiao Yu actually didn't notice, and that was that as his realm improved and his understanding of the great path gradually released, his talent was gradually released.

Yes, even Xiao Yu did not react to this terrible talent cultivation.

Or to put it this way, when Shura Art was at a low level, although he had cultivated a lot, Xiao Yu's talent at that time was not high. It can be said that it is difficult to move such a high-level bloodline cultivation technique.

But as he came to a higher plane, as Xiao Yu's understanding of all aspects continued to strengthen, coupled with factors such as moving his whole body, comprehension, etc., his understanding ability was once again unprecedentedly improved.

As a result, the understanding of the Shura Jue is improved, and it will also be counterproductive to Xiao Yu's other cultivation methods and other methods.

This is interactive, and it is also the reason why cultivators place great importance on the potential of talent.

Xiao Yu sat down cross-legged, looking inside.

His limbs, corpses, flesh and blood, bones and other internal organs are all filled with an amazing green energy.

And this kind of energy seems to be constantly flowing out.

During the day, Xiao Yu had always been in control of his body. Fortunately, this life energy was actually not very manic.

Just like a lake, you can continuously pour sand and gravel into it, and still pour in an unlimited amount without letting the lake overflow.

"Life energy is really the softest power in the Nine Heavens World." Xiao Yu exclaimed.

Golden Wing Roc and Qiongqi also appeared.

They saw that Xiao Yu's whole body was filled with a faint green light, but the richness of that kind of life energy seemed to fill the entire Second World space.

"This Duanmu family is not expensive because it has a history of tens of thousands of years. The life spirit power in their bloodline can already be the purest life spirit power." Qiongqi nodded and said.

"Well, but the comparison with this kid is still a bit close. Let alone the decline of the blood of this family, this energy is still extracted from the will of the deepest part of their blood." Golden Wing Roc said.

Xiao Yu's voice also spread, saying: "You are right. This kind of spiritual energy is gathered from the deepest part of their bloodline and combined with the will of the entire family. This is enough to see that the Duanmu family's The ancestor should also be a life at the beginning, or a spirit body related to wood attributes."

Jin Wing Dapeng and Qiongqi nodded irresponsibly.

Only the spirit body is the purest one that resonates with the energy of these pure attributes.

After so many years of decline and change, the Duanmu family has already thinned their blood.

"But kid, I'm afraid your trip will be horrible, you have to be careful." Qiongqi reminded.


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