Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4618: Mind (Part 2)

Duanmuqi took himself to the Duanmu clan during this trip, which is actually a long way to go.

Therefore, he should have such emotions.

Everyone in the Duanmu family knew about the secret law of the spirit of the earth veins, and this incident has caused the whole family to panic.

For their clansmen at the elder and deacon level, they care more about the future of the family.

This trip to the Duanmu clan, the most important thing is whether the clan can find a way to unlock this taboo secret.

But Duanmuqi was actually very clear in his mind. If there was a way, the clan would have already done so.

The ground veins of the entire Duanmu family are connected, and Baiyueling's ground veins are just one branch.

If the "general veins" of the clan had already lifted the taboos, their branches of the earth veins would not still have the curse of taboo secrets.

And after they discussed in depth, they discovered that this didn't happen recently. Some of their parents, and even the elders before, had such questions!

And they were concealed for so long!

This is really horrible!

Thinking of this, Duanmuqi was uneasy.

Duanmuqi came out of his trance when he heard Xiao Yu's call. He gave a strong laugh and said, "Xiao Yu, it's you."

Xiao Yu only told him his name today, and had never said it before.

And Duanmuqi admires this young man very much.

He has the courage, courage, extraordinary tolerance, confidence, and fights decisively.

In his opinion, such a person must be outstanding in Cangling Academy.

"Elder Chess is still thinking about whether the taboo secret method can be lifted." Xiao Yu sat down and asked.

In fact, because of the relationship between Luqiu and Baiyueling's honest and simple people's style, this gave him a sense of empathy.

It is undeniable that this kind of character is difficult to survive in the cruel fist world.

However, since human nature is good at first, who was born evil at first?

Therefore, from a certain angle, Xiao Yu appreciates being able to maintain this kind of heart.

This is also one of the reasons behind pushing Xiao Yu to help Bai Yueling.

Duanmuqi sighed: "If we resisted earlier, we might discover this secret earlier, and we will have more time and ways to seek help, don't you think?"

Xiao Yu nodded and said undeniably, "That's good to say. But on the other hand, if you know the truth sooner, the sooner your family may fall into panic, the less mindful you will be to practice, and the fear and fear all day long. In contrast, Which one do you say is less cost-effective?"

Duanmuqi shocked all over, looking at Xiao Yu, he immediately laughed a little miserably, and said: "I also know the bitter conscience of the spirit of the earth veins. This is actually a contradictory topic."

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Who has not been in conflict in this world? Just as I want to quickly improve my strength, but I go against my conscience, burn, kill and plunder, **** blood, and practice the evil magical secrets?"

Duanmuqi stared at Xiao Yu, his eyes flickering.

Xiao Yu continued: "This is actually not to blame you. We are born involuntarily, but I think that we can only maintain our original intentions and stick to our hearts. This is the foundation of self-pursuing and strength. You have actually done a good job. ."

Xiao Yu stood up and looked at the moonlight of the bright moon, his eyes full of yearning.

"And I have been walking along this road, even if I encounter any major difficulties on the road, I have not given up."

Xiao Yu immediately lowered his head to look at Duanmuqi, grinned, and said, "There is no way for humans, right? Not to mention, I will help you with all my strength."

After that, Xiao Yu left alone again.

Looking at this back figure, Duanmuqi was stunned. This dark figure has actually become taller.


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