Shura God Emperor

Chapter 449: Weird town

Xuefeng Mountain, also known as Xuefeng Mountain, is located in the southern part of the courtyard. Because there is a mountain with snow all year round, the surrounding towns are also called Xuefeng Town.

It's just that in the past few years, Xuefeng Mountain has gradually become a "blood mountain" for some reasons, and the population of Xuefeng Town has gradually become sparse.

After Xiao Yu had been on the road for a day, he came to Xuefeng Town.

Xuefeng Town is a big town. Once you enter it, you feel cold. Even Xiao Yu's fleshy body can't help but wear a mink coat.

From a distance, Xiao Yu had already seen a "Snow Peak Mountain" towering into the clouds.

The entire Xuefeng Mountain is snow white, the only difference is that from the bottom to the two-thirds of the mountainside, it is actually blood red.

Entering Xuefeng Town, there is a strange energy fluctuation.

"It's a strange fluctuation, bloody, but it also makes people feel a violent power."

Yes, Xiao Yu felt that the breath was absorbed into the human body, and his blood was agitated, but Xiao Yu was forced to press it down soon.

"Are Han Feiyun and Yan Shisan in the mountain? What are they doing?"

When he came to Xuefeng Town, Xiao Yu vaguely sensed a kind of uneasiness. It was absolutely dangerous to go up the mountain rashly.

"Find an inn and ask."

Many shops in Xuefeng Town are opening, but many are also closed.

Passing by the roadside, Xiao Yu found that those who visited the store had unusually ruddy faces and strong energy aura.

Xiao Yu was suddenly surprised, "These people are obviously not cultivators, why do they feel such a strong blood aura?"

At this moment, a person suddenly rushed out of a steamed bun shop with a steamed bun in his hand. This person looked like a beggar, and then three people were chasing after him with a hatchet.


The beggar at the front seemed extremely hungry, and was soon overtaken by the people behind, and then the three men hacked with a hatchet.

"Damn, hack this guy to death!"


The three of them had scored dozens of knives in one step, their eyes were full of blood red with anger, and their faces were extremely hideous and terrifying.

It wasn't until the beggar who stole the buns was almost cut into dozens of pieces before he returned viciously.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Yu did not help, because he was shocked.

"these people……"

Xiao Yu was extremely surprised, these are obviously ordinary people!

But the way the three of them hacked people just now was as terrible as if they had been possessed, and the look in their eyes was like bloodthirsty beasts.

Even the people passing by were very indifferent, and they walked straight without even watching the excitement.

The people here were cruel and indifferent, which surprised Xiao Yu.

He raised his head and looked at Xuefeng Mountain again, his eyes narrowed, and said, "There is something weird here!"

Ordinary people, even if they are stealing things, even if they are hacked to death, how do they feel like having a sea of ​​blood and hatred, or behave like a wild animal drinking blood?

With doubts, Xiao Yu found an inn and went in.

"Little two."


Xiao Er is a very young boy who looks like fifteen years old. When he saw Xiao Yu, his face was very timid and shivering, and he asked: "Gu...Guguan, I don't know, you... What do you want."

Xiao Er seemed very afraid of Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu looked at the people around him who were drinking and eating, only to find that those people's eyes were either indifferent, or they all looked back at Xiao Yu with a cold chill.

The atmosphere in the entire inn is very gloomy and weird, let's look at this little second.


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