Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4636: Find face

The same is the pure spirit realm, even if it has a powerful earth-level spiritual assistance such as the transformation spirit, but if it has the combat instinct, combat consciousness, and the advantages of the cultivation method, there is no doubt that no one of the same level can fight Xiao Yu is on par.

The method of the dragon's body, the method of Tuna, can be said to be a superb existence in the world for nine days.

Duanmu's eyes finally changed a little while looking at Xiao Yu.

After all, Duanmuzhi is also a leader among the younger generation of Duanmu family, and just now Duanmuzhi did not use the highest attack form of spiritual transformation in the battle with his fellow children.

But once it was used, it still failed. This is enough to show that this person is really strong.

Although the children of the Duanmu family are low-key, they are also proud of themselves. If you lose, you lose.

But they are also distressed for Duanmuzhi!

Because that is a six-stripe earth spirit pill!

That is suitable for Huayu Realm to absorb! After swallowing, you can directly increase a level!

Duan Muzhi directly took out a small jade bottle. Although his eyes were extremely painful and unwilling, but in front of everyone, he was willing to bet and lose. Although he was reluctant, he still handed it to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu is not polite, he deserves it.

Then Xiao Yu didn't say anything, and left straight away.

He had passed through the martial arts school, so of course he didn't plan to stay for long, but at this moment, a voice stopped him.

"Little brother stay."

I don't know when, Duanmu Xianglin and others came over.

"Good elder."

The children of the Duanmu family screamed.

Just now, it was Duanmu Donglu.

Duanmu Donglu was the head of the Xingtang, acting decisively and vigorously. Seeing Xiao Yu defeating Duanmuzhi, he seemed to be unwilling to do so.

Although Duanmuqi didn't clearly state Xiao Yu's identity, to some extent, the sentence that this young man had a similar bloodline with them made them very interested in this young man.

"Elder Xianglin and Hall Master Donglu are here too, there is a good show to watch." The maid exclaimed excitedly.

On the contrary, it was the woman who looked at Xiao Yu's eyes with more curiosity.

Duanmu Donglu's opening obviously just didn't want things to end so easily.

This is about the face of their family!

Duanmu Donglu looked at Duanmuzhi with sharp eyes, and the latter lowered his head in shame.

"Azhi, you have done a good job. After all, the wolf tiger beast is also a high-level monster, and its peak state is comparable to that of the Huayu Realm. You can condense 30% of its strength, which is good." Duanmu Xianglin said with a smile.

After all, it is impossible to transform the spirit into a real monster beast 100%. If this is the case, then it is to summon the monster partner.

Therefore, they actually knew that when Duan Muzhi had a higher comprehension of spirit transformation, the strength of spirit transformation magic wolf tiger beast would be more, reaching 50%, or even the highest 70%.

Duanmuqi looked at Xiao Yu with some embarrassment. In fact, his identity situation was quite embarrassing.

"Little brother, I think you are using an advanced method of refining the body, right?" Duanmu Donglu asked, but the tone of his questioning was bitter, and he still stared at Xiao Yu. .

Xiao Yu obviously felt a slight hostility, but he still said, "It's just a third-rate method of refining the body, it's not enough."

Xiao Yu was also humble, but in his calm tone there was a gesture that made Duanmu family feel indifferent and proud.

This makes Duanmu Donglu even more unhappy.

"The little brother is humble. It's rare for someone from outside the clan to visit Shen Mugu, and I hope that the little brother will spare some time to guide and guide the children of our family." Duanmu Donglu stared at Xiao Yu, his tone of voice had become more aggressive. .

Duanmu chess is really anxious and uncomfortable, Duanmu Donglu obviously can't understand that Duanmu Zhi lost just now, and he deliberately finds this face back!

But Duanmu Xianglin and others did not speak, as if they were waiting for Xiao Yu's answer.

Based on Duanmuqi's understanding of Xiao Yu, he knew that Xiao Yu would definitely not want more troubles, but to his surprise, Xiao Yu actually said: "Alright, but if I win, I want a spirit pill. ."

Duanmu's family looked a little angry.


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