Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4649: Battle with two masters in the feathered world

Two figures rushed over quickly, and it was Mu Zhong and a burly middle-aged man.

There was no aura of life within a kilometer, but Xiao Yu didn't conceal his aura, so they discovered it as soon as they arrived in this area.

"Boy, you don't even hide your breath, you are very arrogant!" Mu Lingxiong's eyes flickered, and his murderous intent was revealed.

"You're the trash brother-in-law." Xiao Yu mocked.

Mu Lingxiong was furious: "Trash? You are in the middle stage of the Pure Spirit Realm, and you say that a person in the Dao Stage is a trash? Do you really think you are invincible in the world?"

Mu Hong was killed by Xiao Yu when he was in the He Dao state. At this point, Mu Lingxiong was shocked when he heard it.

But shocked and shocked, oneself is Huayu Realm!

The Huayu Realm and the Hedao Realm are completely different. It may be possible to kill the Hedao Realm because of some kind of secret technique, but now it is talking about the two great realms! Not a small realm!

Mu Zhong's eyes flickered, and he said, "Boy, I didn't expect that we will meet again so soon."

"I really didn't expect that you feared me last time and endured the humiliation. This time you also found a helper, probably thinking that you two will join forces. I must die, right?" Xiao Yu said lightly.

Ordinary people, not to mention a Three Spirit Realm, it is a Huayu Realm. When encountering two Huayu Realms, they will definitely be very nervous and panic, but this kid does not!

Where does this confidence and courage come from?

And Xiao Yu's words made Mu Zhong's killing intent even more crazy.

He didn't kill him because he was afraid of Xiao Yu's background, but this person used it as a reason to laugh at Mu Zhong for letting Xiao Yu go last time. Just ask whoever it was, he would definitely kill him.

Mu Zhong took a step, the crazy aura on him came out, he said awe-inspiring: "Boy, you'd better use all of your skills, because this is your last chance, and you will know it. The end of the barrier is death!"

Mu Lingxiong also took a step forward, and the aura on his body suddenly exploded, as if the aura of the earth suddenly enveloped him.

The two breaths were crushed at the same time, with Xiao Yu as the center, showing a solidified state within a radius of several hundred meters.

However, Xiao Yu possessed an extremely powerful physical body. He was unmoved, but his eyes were already gleaming.

"Since I asked you to come and kill me, of course I must greet you well."

Xiao Yu didn't talk nonsense either, only saw the light of turquoise in his hand sweeping out, and Qingmu Jian started it quickly.

"Aoki sword!" Mu Qiuyu's eyes flashed awe-inspiringly.

Before Mu Zhong said that this kid could condense the Qingmu sword, he didn't believe it too much, but now he really believes it.

This is the real Aoki sword!

And the aura of Aoki Sword was not much weaker than what they condensed.

Although the Aoki Sword is only an earth-level spirituality, when the Aoki Sword is condensed to a certain level, its attack power can reach the level of a divine weapon!

This of course is very scary.

"Boy, it seems you are not easy!" The murderous intent in Mu Lingxiong's eyes became more concentrated.

The ability to condense the green wood sword already means that this child also has a kind of life, or the power of wood attributes, and this power feels so pure.

"Not easy is yet to come."

As soon as Xiao Yu's voice fell, countless turquoise auras swept over him.

Soon, several figures swept over in the distance, and it was Duan Mu Song and others.


The complexion of this group of people suddenly changed.


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