Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4652: The collision of Huayu Realm

Xiao Yu's green wood sword not only gathers the spiritual power of life deep in the blood of the Duanmu family, but also the spiritual power derived from the earth's attributes.

The sword style came fiercely, and flew out from the middle, even a hundred-year-old tree might be cut off.

At this moment, the two masters of the Huayu Realm finally realized how terrifying this young man was.

It is simply unheard of to enhance one's combat effectiveness with a certain kind of life spiritual power combined with the spiritual power of the surrounding creatures.

In addition, the Aoki Sword is a real Aoki Sword, and the Aoki Sword does not see blood or accept soldiers.

But everything is good, after all, the two have experienced a lot of battles, they are still the real Huayu Realm!

The two green wood swords also started at the same time, and countless green lights began to condense crazily, and then the two swords were also cut up.

Qing Feng swept out. Although the green wood sword sword style that the two burst out temporarily was not as large and crazy as Xiao Yu's, the blue light on the green wood sword was still very rich.

With the life of wood and a kind of sharpness in it, the two swords suddenly slashed towards Xiao Yu's one hundred-meter sharp light.



Finally, the two collision sounds finally exploded, and the terrifying vibration began to sweep out.

Even when it was dark, the astonishing whistling sound brought out by the collision still made Ling's positive swamp roar.

In the distance, there are many figures constantly jumping and dodging.

The three of them stood there, no matter how the wind blew over them, they stood against the wind, their faces cold.

"It deserves to be the Huayu Realm, it was able to catch my sword." Xiao Yu was amazed.

After all, he is not a real Yuyu Realm, although he borrows the life spirit power of Mu Tanquan, as well as the power of surrounding creatures, so that he has the attack power of Yuyu Realm.

But to a certain extent, it still can't be compared with the real Huayu Realm.

Of course, this didn't mean Xiao Yu would definitely lose, but Xiao Yu didn't have much advantage in certain attack methods.


Mu Zhong and Mu Lingxiong knew that this young man was really terrifying. Not only did he possess a secret technique they didn't know, but he even possessed such a powerful combat power.

The two of them once again killed Xiao Yu holding the Qingmu sword.

In an instant, a piece of blue light continued to agitate out, one after another, the sharp blade that killed people and killed people, continuously rolled towards Xiao Yu.

The two of them cut dozens of swords together in an instant, with amazing sword aura, constantly crushing them with terrifying power.

The overwhelming offensive kept coming, and when Duan Mu Song and others saw this, they couldn't help but worry about Xiao Yu.

"Mu Lingxiong is the second stage of the Huayu Realm, and Muzhong is the first stage of the Huayu Realm. The combined strength of the two is that the ordinary Huayu Realm three can fight."

"Even if Xiao Yu possesses Mutanquan's life spirit power, coupled with the power of the surrounding creatures, at best, he can barely reach the first stage of the Huayu Stage." Duanmuqi said worriedly.

Anyway, after all, it is with the help of external force, it is difficult to compare with Mu Lingxiong and Mu Zhong's two-year skill.

Judging from the Qingmujian's offensive purely, the two had already achieved the strongest fighting state with the Qingmujian this earth-level spirit.

"I don't think so." Duan Mu Song said suddenly.


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